Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday at 7 - ICF

Our intensive prayer time before ICF with part of the leadership team, Judit, Erik and Sara. Sara and Erik were recently engaged and will marry next summer in Sweden!!!

We're all smiles at ICF! :-)

Some of our Nigerian sisters and Kimberley!

Katie from the U.S. and Blanka, from Hungary are two new ladies in our fellowship!

Abraham was called to leave his country and family and go to where God would show him...Abraham at age 75 was told by God that he would be a father to a son and his descendants would be as numerous as the stars above...Abraham had to wait years and years and years...and years to see the fulfillment of that promise...Abraham, at one point, took things into his own hands and Ishmael was born...but that was NOT the way God promised...finally Isaac, the promise of God arrived...then came the test: "Sacrifice your only son, Isaac, to Me!" declared the faith, Abraham obeyed...and God provided HIS sacrifice.

Sara Gisel brought this story and a message about the dreams of God which HE plants in our hearts to those at ICF on Friday night! Are we willing to listen for God's voice, believe the plethora of promises He gives us in His Word, patiently wait for God's promises, and obey in all He says?

We walk by faith, not by sight...and that is going to become even more evident in the days, weeks, months and years to come as world events unfold in interesting ways and we are pushed to believe God and trust in HIS faithfulness like never before!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

: )