Thursday, February 02, 2006

"What is truth?"

This age-old question, quoted now mostly in reference to Pilate's question of Jesus in John 18:38, grows increasingly relevant in an age when even in the church, 'what is truth' is being 'tested.' Sadly, even Christians are "compromising" when it comes to the Truth, justifying action or non-action, as the case may be, on something other than the basis of God's uncompromising Truth. Indeed, the truth must be spoken in love, and if it is wielded as a weapon, then that is not truth, for at the heart of God's Truth is love. The loving thing to do is to confront someone with truth as God leads, lovingly; then let the Holy Spirit take care of what happens as a result. God's holiness and His standards cannot be compromised; Jesus came to fufill the law, not to abolish it; we reap what we sow...if we sow to the sinful nature, from that nature we will reap what we have sown. God is not a God of compromise. He is a jealous God, jealously longing after His children's hearts, lovingly wooing them back to Himself and into His presence; but if we compromise His truth, we will reap the fruit of that compromise. "Speak the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15) so that we may grow up into Christ. Otherwise, we remain as children, tossed about by the waves of the times. Lord, change me, that I may see Your Truth and speak that truth in love! Amen.

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