Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A day of blessings!

ceo for the kids
Today, I got to talk with some very important people in this community......11 different pastors from various churches in the city who meet monthly to talk and pray together!!! I was invited to talk about this conference coming up in May here, "The Father's Heart". Amazingly, they all seemed open, and even more of a blessing is that they are interested in meeting with one of the pastors who is coming to help in this ministry! Another blessing came this evening at church where we have started and outreach to punk and rocker young people. Two of them showed up tonight, both from the children's home, one of whom is a believer, and the other is very interested in knowing more about God! These are dear, dear young men whom I've known for 5 years now! God is working here in Szeged, so please keep on praying!

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