Thursday, January 03, 2013

Resolutions vs. Transformations

This is the time of year when gyms are full, health food aisles in stores are running low on items, and fast-food restaurants are searching for ways to draw in customers.  Many people have made resolutions, seeking to change long-time habit patterns.  Some succeed, but most do not.  

How about focusing on something different?  What if people decided to make new year's TRANSFORMATIONS instead?  Transformations take time, discipline and diligence, but the end result is an entirely new 'being', rather than a spruced up one.  Transformations mean commitment, and I believe they must begin from the inside out, rather than the outside in.  There is a decision that must be made, every morning, every minute, every hour, every meal, every day.  The beginning of a transformation must be charted, recorded, and then the steps to reach transformation must be taken, one at a time, one decision at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time.  It's an ongoing process rather than a one time declaration.

The key, in my opinion, to transformation is this:  for whom are you transforming your life?  The answer must be outside of it for your spouse?  Your neighborhood?  Your children or grandchildren?  Your colleagues at work?  Your friends?  You see, transformation is about making those choices that will transform your life and the lives of those around you.  Resolutions are inherently self-focused and therefore fail because we were not created to satisfy ourselves but to be in relationship with others.

When we commit to transformations in our lives, the impact is far-reaching because it's not primarily about us, but rather about the world around us.  

So, care to join me on a journey of transformation in 2013?


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