Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hearing from God

I was presented with a spiritual challenge this week.  


Now, at first I thought, "This is nuts!  I need to read my Bible and what about all the books I am currently reading?  How can I go one week without reading and using that to grow in my relationship with the Lord?"

Following this challenge, the individual reminded us, "Remember the first disciples?  They were illiterate, and yet heard from God."

Honestly, the past two days have been tough...I've so wanted to grab my Bible and read, pick up the books by my nightstand and read...instead, I have taken those moments to the Lord and asked Holy Spirit to speak to me.  I'm pressing in to Him and His presence more than I ever have previously.  In that, I'm recognizing a few things:  first, I have a lot of Word in me...and Holy Spirit is mining that out.  Second, Holy Spirit has a lot He wants to show me through other ways, and His whispers are sweet to my spirit, soul and body.  Third, as we are returning to our covenant roots, I'm recognizing my utter bankruptcy apart from God Himself, teaching me, leading me, speaking to me face to face...I have so many props that "help" me in that conversation with Him, but it's challenging just to sit and listen and BE with Him without reading.  But it is OH SO GOOD!  

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