Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Yesterday, I was blessed to have a wonderful conversation with a dear, long-time friend of mine who has helped me in countless ways to navigate the ever-changing financial waters of our times. He is like a brother to me, and seeks to take care of me like his very own family.

Our conversation yesterday turned to this question: "Where do you think this is all going?" And the other major question: "Do you think it is too late? Or can "people" get their acts together and dig us out of this downward spiraling mess we are in?"

What struck me most is that my friend, who is brilliant, godly, and wonderful, was asking me...which opened up a sweet dialogue, moving into important subjects like preparedness for what is inevitably coming (according to the Bible), and what we really need in the U.S., and that is: hearts turned in repentance and humility to the God of the universe, who is slow to anger and abounding in love, but who will not withhold His merciful judgements forever.

I loved our practical conversation, sharing ideas, not out of fear, but out of concern for family, friends and loved ones...and the reality of what we need to be doing daily: praying for our leaders and leaders world-wide, that the fear of the Lord would grip their spirits and minds and they would take the lead in humility and repentance before the Lord...but not before WE ourselves walk down that same path. God, have mercy on me, a sinner saved solely by Your grace, needing Your very breath to stay alive...let me bow my heart and mind before You alone, heed Your voice alone, and rejoice in You, the One who sees the end from the beginning, and will cause ALL THINGS to work together for good for those who LOVE YOU and are called according to Your purpose!

Hallelujah, God will make all things new...but the reality of the refiner's fire is upon us, so will we walk in His ways, heeding His voice, or will we continue on that very wide path? Narrow is the way that leads to life...and few will find it. Jesus said, "I am the way."

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