Saturday, September 23, 2006

Precious ones

When I met Bori in 1996, she was a scared, shy 14 year old girl, who kept her distance and would not come and enjoy the activities the other kids in the children's home were taking part in.

Bori captured my heart then, and now we are dear friends! She has since moved out of the children's home, and has a little girl, kis Bori (little Bori). I got to spend some time with the two Boris and another girl who also moved out of the children's home and now has a little girl. Susan and her daughter Vivien live in a little village near Szeged.

I was humbled by how challenging their lives had been, and continue to be, but how precious they are with their little girls. While they were "rejected" by their parents, they have turned that rejection into love for their little girls. I love this picture of Bori with little Bori!!!

1 comment:

Me said...

ohhhhhhhhhh how adorable!
this is the first picture I have ever seen of little bori...and i've never met her in person...just in big boris stomach ;)