Thursday, April 30, 2009

Deak goodbye to the seniors night!

Teachers singing to the seniors.

My dear friend, Krisztina, who I did not even know has such an INCREDIBLE singing voice! WOW!

Our English dept. head, Robi Gaspar.

Olga, a fellow English teacher, missed her calling as a rock star! :-)

A chance for the teachers to say goodbye!

Yet another tradition which I will miss is the "goodbye" night for the seniors at my school here. Teachers prepare songs and dramas for the seniors to say "adieu"! It's a very special night, sometimes with tears...and yes, I almost cried as I said my goodbyes. I got to sing three songs, two fun/funny ones and one serious one about God's passionate love for me/us and my love for Him. I pray the seeds planted will be watered and God will cause them to grow!

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