Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fun in Arizona!

I spent 5 days in Arizona, two of which were working an expo in Mesa.  Fun times with fun people.

But the best time was spent with my parents.  As they grow older, I covet these visits more and more; sadly, these visits are rare.  Sometimes I think our country is just too big.  

We laughed a lot, talked a lot, and just simply enjoyed being together.  We didn't have to have a lot of activity going on...just being together is priceless to me.  

As I was grading papers on their back patio early Monday morning, I looked up to see two coyotes jogging across the fairway.  I got up to take a picture, but they are so skittish that they both dashed off into the neighbors backyard.  Fun to see wildlife in the middle of the city.  

Back home now, I am pretty swamped with work...but blessed to have work!  Thank you Jesus for your goodness to me!   

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So much has happened!!!

My humble apologies to blog readers out there as I have been negligent, so for the two of you who follow me with any regularity, here is the latest from the Czaszewicz household!

Paul is now gainfully employed, praise the LORD!  He is teaching 4th grade at an elementary school just 10 minutes from our home!  Challenges abound as he was hired just 2 weeks ago, so the students were already in a routine and are now having to change everything.  Both of us are pulling late nights and early mornings to get things up and running in the classroom, especially with this being his first "official" year of teaching in his own classroom!  Please keep him in your prayers as he ushers in the presence of the KING OF KINGS through just BEING in that classroom with his 18 precious students.

I am ever-building my business with Shelf Reliance, and I'm amazed at how God continues to breathe on it in His ways.  From the get-go, I have asked the Lord to build it His way, and have tried to walk in obedience to what He is saying, which is mostly, "Be still and know that I am God."  That's hard for me as a "lioness", but I am learning and seeing His faithfulness.  He's bringing people from near and far, friends and random folks who googled freeze-dried foods and my name came up.  Most importantly, He is teaching me that business is about people and relationships, and if the business thrives too, well that's just a bonus.  I love market-place ministry!

Thus far, I've not given up my day job at Write at Home, and I have almost 40 students this year, which means 40 papers a week to grade online.  I LOVE IT!  What a privilege it is to be able to pour into young people's lives all across the country (and maybe even the globe because I don't even know where my students live!) through their writing and to encourage them.  I'm so blessed!

Paul and I have jumped on board a 90-day challenge as well with Visalus.  You really need to check out these breakfast shakes!  Our first 90 day challenge will end the second week in November and our goal was to lose our bellies that we put on during our first year of marriage.  So we've actually been trying to do two protein shakes a day and then one good meal, and it seems to be working!  Maybe I will post before and after pictures here.  :-)  Check it out HERE!  We haven't yet decided what our next 90-day challenge will be, but we are so pleased with the Body By Vi shakes that we are setting some pretty rigorous goals...maybe a 40 day wilderness adventure next summer?!  

In addition, I am doing a bit of editing for an amazing ministry called Exodus Cry.  EC is a prayer ministry which fights human trafficking.  Check out their website here.

Most importantly, Paul and I are integrally connected to a wonderful spiritual family here in Kansas City called The Bridge Ministries, International.  This is a network of house churches, and we are currently a part of what is called a Training House Church each week. Those of us there are learning how, by doing, to "do" house church, and it is wonderful!  The truths of the Scriptures regarding everyone coming prepared with a Psalm, a song, a word of encouragement or a teaching is playing out every week, and people are being healed, delivered, encouraged, empowered, and God is receiving the glory!  

In sum, LEARNING and GROWING would be the operative words in this season.  The Lord is really stretching both me and Paul and many around us as He shows us what He is doing and how He is preparing His bride for what is coming to the earth.  Our only hope is Jesus...and we rejoice and rest in that fact, as He is the best ROCK upon which to build everything!