Wednesday, February 25, 2009


As I was preparing to walk out the door this morning, I could hear someone incessantly ringing the bell of my neighbor's door from down in the street. No one was home. Then my bell began to ring. Mind you, it is 8 a.m. and I'm not about to answer the me skeptical, but I thought it might simply be someone trying to get into our building who really doesn't belong here and so I ignored it and began walking out my door.

As I turned to lock my front door, a policemen appeared in my hallway, asking for my neighbor. "I don't think he's home. Is there a problem?"

"Yes, his car was found in New Szeged and the window has been broken out of it. Do you know where he works?"

I hate to admit I was relieved by this news...for some reason, when I see policemen here, I don't automatically think, "Oh, they are here to protect and serve." I have no reason to think this way, but I do. It's the same for me at customs or passport control...I know I've done nothing wrong, and I know I don't have anything illegal, but still, I am not comfortable in those places. Not sure why....hmmm....

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