To employ an old cliche: "I'm on cloud nine!" No, I'm not in love...well, with Jesus, yes...and I'm still waiting for that wonderful man to step into my life...but I'm on cloud nine for another reason.
The International House of Prayer, http://www.ihop.org/, just celebrated 10 years of 24/7 night and day prayer and worship! It was a 4-day celebration during which Mike Bickle, the founder, shared the prophetic journey/foundation of IHOP. (By the way, you can get all the notes and audio, with video to come, at the above website!
If I ever doubted that God exists, I don't now and cannot! If I ever doubted that God speaks to His people today, I don't now and never will! If I ever doubted that God LOVES humanity and wants to see everyone come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, I don't, can't and won't ever doubt again! If I ever doubted that God has led me here to Kansas City for this season, I don't anymore!
One of the things I 'love' the most about this weekend is the launching of the 24/7 "ministries of justice" to 'match' the 24/7 "prayer and worship" ministry! Departments with leadership in place for everything from crisis response to helping women in crisis pregnancies, to ministering to orphans and widows, to ministering in the inner city, and the list goes on! ALL of it bathed in prayer and worship...as is biblical and as it should be done!
I've met more people in the last four days who have said, "I just know God has called me here to Kansas City...I don't quite know why, but I know I'm supposed to be here!" which is pretty much my story as well! God is on the move and there is no greater time than now in this nation for believers to rise up in prayer, worship and works that glorify Jesus!
Bless ALL of you who are making it possible for me to be here!
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