The birthday gang enjoying frozen yogurt after dinner!

Scott and Marcie...and Nyla, who will be living in my basement, starting in October!

I am making new friends, and getting reacquainted with an old friend. My old friend Marcie is now a year older...sorry, no pun intended. I was blessed to be invited to join them and a few of their good friends for dinner to help her celebrate her birthday!
The quick story of how Marcie and I met. We were both teaching with ESI in Hungary, she in Budapest and I in Szeged, in 1992. We hit it off then, and then went our separate ways...until last November, when the renter in her and Scott's basement just happened to have one of my business cards. Marcie saw it and it triggered something in her....Arden Campbell, Arden Campbell...where do I know that name? Anyway, she wrote me an email and it turns out she and her hubby, who first met in Romania while teaching with ESI, now live here in Kansas City about 3 minutes from my house! Small world!
Amazing blessing to be reunited; looking forward to more amazing blessings as all of these friendships grow.
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