Monday, September 14, 2009

To my reader in Milwaukee, Wisconsin...

I've got a blog tracker...and on it recently, I've noticed I have a blog reader in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This reader checks my blog a lot...I mean A LOT! So far 24 visits in the last two days....this seems a bit odd to me unless this person is going back through the years and reading my past blogs, which could be the case. Over the course of September, this person checked over 42 times. Hmmm, can we say possible 'stalker'?

So, today, I want to dedicate this blog to my Milwaukee, Wisconsin reader. I am not sure what you are finding to be so interesting about my blog. I'd love it if you would identify yourself...leave a comment or something...letting me know who you are! I can't imagine who could be SO interested in me, but you obviously are.

So, this blog today is dedicated to you...I've been to your city...many years ago. I know all about saying things with a long "a" at the end...."how are you, a?" "Where are you going, a?" Etc.

I do want to make this a blog worth reading, so here comes....I'm actually quite impressed with Milwaukee reader and I believe there is a spiritual truth to be gleaned. Milwaukee obviously wants to know what my blog we have that same zeal and perseverance for the Lord Jesus Christ? Do we check in mulitple times per day and a plethora of times per week with our heavenly Father to know what is on His heart and hear what He is saying?

Milwaukee, you have a good habit here if you can turn it heaven-ward toward someone who REALLY loves you, cares about your life, your time, your actions, your heart and wants to hear from you as often as you are checking in with this blog. Milwaukee, the Lord will fulfill you much more than my blog will, that's for blessed today and seek His face with even more zeal and vigor than you are seeking my blog! Amen and amen!

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