Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
How I could have landed in this place is beyond me! It's way, way, way too good! I'm way, way, way too blessed! Thank you, Lord!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Another good quote
"Father, when I get stabbed in the back, don't let anything but the blood of Jesus come out."
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Quote from a book I'm reading
I'm reading a very good book I'd recommend to everyone! However, it comes with a warning...your world will be rocked.
The book is "Epicenter" by Joel Rosenberg. The following is a powerful quote which I think is relevant as we watch the news these days.
The book is "Epicenter" by Joel Rosenberg. The following is a powerful quote which I think is relevant as we watch the news these days.
"Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told friends he believes the end of the world is only a few years away. He has also said that he believes the way to hasten the arrival of the Islamic messiah is to unleash an apocalyptic holy war against Christians and Jews. Thus, he has vowed to annihilate the U.S. and Israel and is feverishly preparing his military to accomplish just that."
If this is not disturbing to blog readers, it should be. Read the book.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Two days before take-off
No, I'm not traveling anywhere, thankfully, actually. I'm loving settling in to my home and life in the U.S.
But it's two days before take-off...before I start an intensive internship here at the International House of Prayer. It's called Intro to IHOP and will be three months long, 6 days a week of classes, time in the prayer room and service. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. I woke up this morning very excited about starting on Monday because I need some structure in my life. :-)
It does mean that I will have to wake up earlier, like 4:45, to get to the gym earlier, so I can keep my workout schedule...which means early to bed!
So, off to bed now. :-)
But it's two days before take-off...before I start an intensive internship here at the International House of Prayer. It's called Intro to IHOP and will be three months long, 6 days a week of classes, time in the prayer room and service. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. I woke up this morning very excited about starting on Monday because I need some structure in my life. :-)
It does mean that I will have to wake up earlier, like 4:45, to get to the gym earlier, so I can keep my workout schedule...which means early to bed!
So, off to bed now. :-)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A big event in DC on Friday
50,000 muslims are slated to converge on the steps of the capitol in Washington, DC to pray tomorrow from 4-7 p.m. EST. At the very bottom of the webpage set up for this event it reads:
As I have spent time this week pondering and praying about this gathering, I am convinced that for me, the best response is prayer; however, my prayer is to the one who declared, and I believe is, the Way, the Truth, and the Life...Jesus Christ.
So, I too will pray tomorrow, that Jesus Christ be glorified and lifted up as the Son of the Living God, the Savior, Redeemer, Lover of all Mankind, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, the Alpha and the Omega, the only way to the Father, the Messiah, Yeshua, the one whose death tore the veil and whose resurrection makes it possible for every single person on this earth to have eternal LIFE! He is the living God, the amazing giver of love, grace, mercy, truth and life. He is not a cause, nor is He a religion. His heart's desire is that every single person on this planet come into a living, loving relationship with Himself! (John 17)
Father, forgive us, for we have strayed from this Truth. We repent, plead the blood of Jesus over us, our nation, and our sins, and ask that YOU, Lord Jesus, be lifted up today, tomorrow and every day after that in the glory and honor You are due! Amen and amen!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Working out
I am loving the YMCA here in Missouri! It's small, a great mixture of people show up on the days I work out, and the pool...while much warmer than the one in Szeged, so it is a JOY to jump in and do laps!
You may ask, "Why this sudden working out so diligently?" Well, my father has invited me and my brothers to go helicopter skiing in Canada in January! That's not just a walk in the park type of skiing! We're talking the helicopter flies you to the top of a mountain and drops you off (with a guide of course), but there ain't no lodge half way down and this is serious powder skiing on serious mountains. Therefore, we've gotta be in shape!
My 79 year old father is going to the gym 3 times a week, as is my younger brother, who has never worked out in his life up to now, and I too am hitting the gym 3 days a week. Today, as I was doing my stomach crunches, I got to thinking about having a goal, like this ski trip, and how we need goals in life. Not just goals in the natural, but in the spiritual as well. Those goals are not more programs or Bible studies or events...those goals were set up by God Himself:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself. The entire law rests on these two commands." (Jesus)
Enough said....
Oh, on an unrelated note, I have figured out who the Milwaukee blog reader is...and I have only one thing to say: I forgive you and I bless you in Jesus' name!
You may ask, "Why this sudden working out so diligently?" Well, my father has invited me and my brothers to go helicopter skiing in Canada in January! That's not just a walk in the park type of skiing! We're talking the helicopter flies you to the top of a mountain and drops you off (with a guide of course), but there ain't no lodge half way down and this is serious powder skiing on serious mountains. Therefore, we've gotta be in shape!
My 79 year old father is going to the gym 3 times a week, as is my younger brother, who has never worked out in his life up to now, and I too am hitting the gym 3 days a week. Today, as I was doing my stomach crunches, I got to thinking about having a goal, like this ski trip, and how we need goals in life. Not just goals in the natural, but in the spiritual as well. Those goals are not more programs or Bible studies or events...those goals were set up by God Himself:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself. The entire law rests on these two commands." (Jesus)
Enough said....
Oh, on an unrelated note, I have figured out who the Milwaukee blog reader is...and I have only one thing to say: I forgive you and I bless you in Jesus' name!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wow, now I have two different blog readers from Milwaukee viewing my blog...two different ISP users....wondering if I am being 'watched' by some watch-dog group. OOOOO, am I THAT important? ha ha ha!!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
What a weekend!
Worship on Saturday evening!
And there were hundreds in the overflow room too!

To employ an old cliche: "I'm on cloud nine!" No, I'm not in love...well, with Jesus, yes...and I'm still waiting for that wonderful man to step into my life...but I'm on cloud nine for another reason.
The International House of Prayer,, just celebrated 10 years of 24/7 night and day prayer and worship! It was a 4-day celebration during which Mike Bickle, the founder, shared the prophetic journey/foundation of IHOP. (By the way, you can get all the notes and audio, with video to come, at the above website!
If I ever doubted that God exists, I don't now and cannot! If I ever doubted that God speaks to His people today, I don't now and never will! If I ever doubted that God LOVES humanity and wants to see everyone come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, I don't, can't and won't ever doubt again! If I ever doubted that God has led me here to Kansas City for this season, I don't anymore!
One of the things I 'love' the most about this weekend is the launching of the 24/7 "ministries of justice" to 'match' the 24/7 "prayer and worship" ministry! Departments with leadership in place for everything from crisis response to helping women in crisis pregnancies, to ministering to orphans and widows, to ministering in the inner city, and the list goes on! ALL of it bathed in prayer and is biblical and as it should be done!
I've met more people in the last four days who have said, "I just know God has called me here to Kansas City...I don't quite know why, but I know I'm supposed to be here!" which is pretty much my story as well! God is on the move and there is no greater time than now in this nation for believers to rise up in prayer, worship and works that glorify Jesus!
Bless ALL of you who are making it possible for me to be here!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.....HELLO????
Ok, I've decided that anyone who checks a blog 27 times in 6 days is odd...if not down right strange.
Whatever floats your boat, Milwaukee! Hope you are being encouraged!
Whatever floats your boat, Milwaukee! Hope you are being encouraged!
Very good article on IHOP's 10-year anniversary
Click the title to my blog to read a very good article about the 10-year celebration of IHOP here in Kansas City! Those of you who know me will understand a bit more why I believe the Lord called me here for this season!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Celebration time at IHOP
This weekend, the celebration is happening!
IHOP, that's International House of Prayer, is celebrating 10-years of 24/7 prayer and worship.
Events are happening over the course of the next 4 days...tonight was the opening night when Mike Bickle, founder, started giving the history of IHOP and the prophetic journey. I love that he is also, like me, from a Presbyterian background, and is now full-on walking in the Spirit!
I know they are streaming it at but you may have to be signed up to get the streaming.
I finally learned tonight what the acronym IHOP stands for:
I- Intercession
H - Holiness
O - Offerings
P - Prophetic
Stay tuned.....
IHOP, that's International House of Prayer, is celebrating 10-years of 24/7 prayer and worship.
Events are happening over the course of the next 4 days...tonight was the opening night when Mike Bickle, founder, started giving the history of IHOP and the prophetic journey. I love that he is also, like me, from a Presbyterian background, and is now full-on walking in the Spirit!
I know they are streaming it at but you may have to be signed up to get the streaming.
I finally learned tonight what the acronym IHOP stands for:
I- Intercession
H - Holiness
O - Offerings
P - Prophetic
Stay tuned.....
Update on Milwaukee reader.....
My Milwaukee, Wisconsin reader has checked in to my blog 21 times in 5 days. That's twenty-one times in five days.
Who are you Milwaukee? I'm so curious to know who is so curious about my blog? Please identify yourself!
Who are you Milwaukee? I'm so curious to know who is so curious about my blog? Please identify yourself!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
No-touch car wash
Today I went looking for a car wash. (I was feeling too lazy to wash my car at home). So, I pulled in to a gas station and they had a "no touch" car wash. 'Cool' I thought. Well, I learned my lesson.
No clean....yep, not clean AT ALL. Way too many dollars later, I'm left with having to wash my car myself.
Yep, I got a spiritual truth from this change. If we want to grow in our relationships with God, we have to "touch" Him, not physically, but in the Spirit. We can go through the motions, read the Bible, go to prayer meetings, attend Bible studies, even attend church and sing in the choir and serve in the community; and we can remain untouched, unchanged.
It's only when we 'touch' the Lord in the spirit realm that we can grow and change. Easier said than done because it's not about more spiritual, Christian activity. In fact, it could be about getting quiet and sitting before the Lord in quietness and listening to His voice. Ask God how He wants to show Himself to you, to touch you so that you can grow and change! He loves you; He'll tell you!
No clean....yep, not clean AT ALL. Way too many dollars later, I'm left with having to wash my car myself.
Yep, I got a spiritual truth from this change. If we want to grow in our relationships with God, we have to "touch" Him, not physically, but in the Spirit. We can go through the motions, read the Bible, go to prayer meetings, attend Bible studies, even attend church and sing in the choir and serve in the community; and we can remain untouched, unchanged.
It's only when we 'touch' the Lord in the spirit realm that we can grow and change. Easier said than done because it's not about more spiritual, Christian activity. In fact, it could be about getting quiet and sitting before the Lord in quietness and listening to His voice. Ask God how He wants to show Himself to you, to touch you so that you can grow and change! He loves you; He'll tell you!
Could this be part of the reason why.....
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thanks, MJ, for the pictures
In yesterday's post, I noted that I have a "blog-stalker" from Milwaukee, WI. Now, I do need to show a bit of grace because I do check my friends blogs almost daily, and if I'm online more than once a day, I may even check them twice. However, I'm not sure I'm as consumed with checking blogs as Milwaukee.
Since Sunday, Milwaukee has checked my blog 10 times; since the beginning of the month, 46 times. Once again, Milwaukee, please identify yourself!
Enough said about 'blog-stalkers'. :-)
It's a fabulous morning here and I am loving the fall-like weather! The highway in the distance sounds a bit like a river...sort of....and the chirping of the crickets and calls of the birds remind me of the peacefulness of this place.
Another culture-shock I took note of last evening is free refills of drinks at restaurants! I love it! Yet another one is how LATE stores/shops are open. My friend Linda and I went into a Barnes and Noble bookstore at 8:30 p.m.! Most of the shops in that mall area were open til 9 or 10 p.m. I noted to Linda that most shops in Hungary would be closed by 6 at the latest.
That's enough today for my misc. blog. :-) Hope you enjoy it, Milwaukee! :-)
Since Sunday, Milwaukee has checked my blog 10 times; since the beginning of the month, 46 times. Once again, Milwaukee, please identify yourself!
Enough said about 'blog-stalkers'. :-)
It's a fabulous morning here and I am loving the fall-like weather! The highway in the distance sounds a bit like a river...sort of....and the chirping of the crickets and calls of the birds remind me of the peacefulness of this place.
Another culture-shock I took note of last evening is free refills of drinks at restaurants! I love it! Yet another one is how LATE stores/shops are open. My friend Linda and I went into a Barnes and Noble bookstore at 8:30 p.m.! Most of the shops in that mall area were open til 9 or 10 p.m. I noted to Linda that most shops in Hungary would be closed by 6 at the latest.
That's enough today for my misc. blog. :-) Hope you enjoy it, Milwaukee! :-)
Monday, September 14, 2009
To my reader in Milwaukee, Wisconsin...
I've got a blog tracker...and on it recently, I've noticed I have a blog reader in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This reader checks my blog a lot...I mean A LOT! So far 24 visits in the last two days....this seems a bit odd to me unless this person is going back through the years and reading my past blogs, which could be the case. Over the course of September, this person checked over 42 times. Hmmm, can we say possible 'stalker'?
So, today, I want to dedicate this blog to my Milwaukee, Wisconsin reader. I am not sure what you are finding to be so interesting about my blog. I'd love it if you would identify yourself...leave a comment or something...letting me know who you are! I can't imagine who could be SO interested in me, but you obviously are.
So, this blog today is dedicated to you...I've been to your city...many years ago. I know all about saying things with a long "a" at the end...."how are you, a?" "Where are you going, a?" Etc.
I do want to make this a blog worth reading, so here comes....I'm actually quite impressed with Milwaukee reader and I believe there is a spiritual truth to be gleaned. Milwaukee obviously wants to know what my blog we have that same zeal and perseverance for the Lord Jesus Christ? Do we check in mulitple times per day and a plethora of times per week with our heavenly Father to know what is on His heart and hear what He is saying?
Milwaukee, you have a good habit here if you can turn it heaven-ward toward someone who REALLY loves you, cares about your life, your time, your actions, your heart and wants to hear from you as often as you are checking in with this blog. Milwaukee, the Lord will fulfill you much more than my blog will, that's for blessed today and seek His face with even more zeal and vigor than you are seeking my blog! Amen and amen!
So, today, I want to dedicate this blog to my Milwaukee, Wisconsin reader. I am not sure what you are finding to be so interesting about my blog. I'd love it if you would identify yourself...leave a comment or something...letting me know who you are! I can't imagine who could be SO interested in me, but you obviously are.
So, this blog today is dedicated to you...I've been to your city...many years ago. I know all about saying things with a long "a" at the end...."how are you, a?" "Where are you going, a?" Etc.
I do want to make this a blog worth reading, so here comes....I'm actually quite impressed with Milwaukee reader and I believe there is a spiritual truth to be gleaned. Milwaukee obviously wants to know what my blog we have that same zeal and perseverance for the Lord Jesus Christ? Do we check in mulitple times per day and a plethora of times per week with our heavenly Father to know what is on His heart and hear what He is saying?
Milwaukee, you have a good habit here if you can turn it heaven-ward toward someone who REALLY loves you, cares about your life, your time, your actions, your heart and wants to hear from you as often as you are checking in with this blog. Milwaukee, the Lord will fulfill you much more than my blog will, that's for blessed today and seek His face with even more zeal and vigor than you are seeking my blog! Amen and amen!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Check out this website
Hey blog readers. The director of this ministry spoke at church this morning. Check out the website:
Saturday, September 12, 2009
More cat pictures
Simon, not quite sure it's safe to come outside!
Toby, at home already in the backyard!

Toby loving the sofa!

Simon loving the floor!

Toby loving the sofa!

Simon loving the floor!

No, I'm not a cat freak, but I'm hoping my former neighbor in Hungary, Kati, might be looking at my blog and seeing that "the boys" are just fine here in the U.S. (Someone there want to call Kati and ask her to check out my blog, please? Thanks!)
So, here they are.....I think, actually, they are missing Kati...both have been pretty subdued the last couple of days. How can one know what is going on inside a cat's brain? Sometimes people are like that....they get really quiet, or don't respond at all.....
Recently, I emailed a friend of mine and asked a question. No's been a couple of weeks now. What IS going on in her head? Did I upset her with the question? I didn't think it was an intrusive or offensive question. I have no clue what is going on inside her communication...
.....thus, I come to my spiritual application...hee heehee....regular blog readers know I love to do this, but guess what, I typically do NOT plan these application parts...they are dropped in my heart as I write. Go God!
....So, if we are not communicating with God, how can we know what He is thinking? What He desires? What is His heart? Obviously, the Bible is our first line of communication....then prayer....quieting our hearts and minds and bodies to sit and listen to the voice of the one who is Spirit and Truth!
I wish my cats could tell me what they are thinking and feeling. I wish this friend would respond to my email...yell at me, rebuke me, say SOMETHING! I know many people who wish God would speak as well. Well, I'm here to tell you, HE IS SPEAKING! He is a good way that soooooooooo many clear ways. The question is, are we listening? You see, my cats are speaking too...if I know them, I know their "language"; my friend is speaking too: loudly and clearly she is saying something by NOT saying anything. It does NOT take a brain surgeon to figure that one out. And what about God? Look around....He has spoken, is speaking and will speak....the question remains, are we willing to listen to what He has to say?
Friday, September 11, 2009
MJ's visit
MJ working on her computer!
Toby is letting MJ know she cannot leave!!!!

Avi Lipkin, who travels the world and speaks to Jews, Christians and anyone who will listen! Wake up folks!

Avi Lipkin, who travels the world and speaks to Jews, Christians and anyone who will listen! Wake up folks!

My dear friend, Mary Jill, and I had a GREAT week together during her visit here in Kansas City! Of course the week FLEW by and I was very sad to see her go, but we were so very blessed the whole time!
She got to meet some of my friends, go to many different "events" here at IHOP, enjoy meeting old friends who are also here for their years' sabbatical, and catch up with other friends from Iowa! MJ is the networking woman!
We got to go hear a very profound talk given by a man named Avi Lipkin, a Jewish man, born in the U.S. but now living in Israel, who gave so much information that I took nearly 10 pages of notes! His message was a wake-up call and a reality check.
Now I have about two weeks to "relax" before my 3-month intensive internship begins. However, the curve ball just thrown at me is that the paperwork for my new car has gotten lost in the mail...why DO people send important papers regular post? Lord, find the papers...
Monday, September 07, 2009
Prophecy rooms
The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:1: "Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy."
For years, I just sort of passed over the latter part of that verse, believing that prophecy was something that happened a LONG time ago and was no longer relevant for today. However, I've come to believe, after studying the Scriptures, seeking the wisdom of the Lord and experiencing this gift myself, that indeed prophecy IS for today, for the comfort, edification and encouragement of the body of Christ!
No, it is not about predicting the future; it's about building up the body of Christ! Yesterday, my friend Mary Jill and I visited the prophecy rooms here at IHOP. One of the things I always pray is this: Jesus, I just want more of YOU and nothing else! Well, we both got super blessed yesterday...and I want to share just one item that completely blew me away!
As we were sitting in the prayer room waiting to go in, a young boy came up to us and said, "You can come in the room now." He was 12 years old and I thought, "hm, I wonder if he is the 'gopher'....sent to bring people to the room?" But then he stayed in there along with 3 other women.
So, three of us come in, and there are 3 women and this 12 year old boy. My next thought was, "Well, maybe he is in training."
Much to my surprise, and I had to repent for judging that this "little boy" really shouldn't be in this room and what could he know?" because the Lord spoke SO specifically and clearly through him and both Mary Jill and I left INCREDIBLY encouraged by his words, as well as the others'.
What blew me away was this: I have, for the past 2 years, had my heart pricked in huge ways by the Lord about the issue/problem of human trafficking. I've not really talked much about it, but have prayed and layed it down before the Lord. So, back to yesterday...this young man is speaking and he stops for a second, and asks me: "Do you have a heart for human trafficking?" I told him, 'Yes', and then he went on, encouraging me in that desire of my heart!
Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Mt. 18:3-4)
I believe the Lord used this 12 year old young boy to humble me and help me to realize once again the relevance of the above verse. This boy is so humble and willing to be used by the Lord to encourage the body of Christ...who am I to say that he cannot speak into my heart and teach me? I too need to humble myself and become like a child again, ready and willing to hear God's Truth! Thank you Lord for lessons in humility and how YOU are lifting up young people to speak forth Your Truth and Your Word! Amen and amen!
For years, I just sort of passed over the latter part of that verse, believing that prophecy was something that happened a LONG time ago and was no longer relevant for today. However, I've come to believe, after studying the Scriptures, seeking the wisdom of the Lord and experiencing this gift myself, that indeed prophecy IS for today, for the comfort, edification and encouragement of the body of Christ!
No, it is not about predicting the future; it's about building up the body of Christ! Yesterday, my friend Mary Jill and I visited the prophecy rooms here at IHOP. One of the things I always pray is this: Jesus, I just want more of YOU and nothing else! Well, we both got super blessed yesterday...and I want to share just one item that completely blew me away!
As we were sitting in the prayer room waiting to go in, a young boy came up to us and said, "You can come in the room now." He was 12 years old and I thought, "hm, I wonder if he is the 'gopher'....sent to bring people to the room?" But then he stayed in there along with 3 other women.
So, three of us come in, and there are 3 women and this 12 year old boy. My next thought was, "Well, maybe he is in training."
Much to my surprise, and I had to repent for judging that this "little boy" really shouldn't be in this room and what could he know?" because the Lord spoke SO specifically and clearly through him and both Mary Jill and I left INCREDIBLY encouraged by his words, as well as the others'.
What blew me away was this: I have, for the past 2 years, had my heart pricked in huge ways by the Lord about the issue/problem of human trafficking. I've not really talked much about it, but have prayed and layed it down before the Lord. So, back to yesterday...this young man is speaking and he stops for a second, and asks me: "Do you have a heart for human trafficking?" I told him, 'Yes', and then he went on, encouraging me in that desire of my heart!
Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Mt. 18:3-4)
I believe the Lord used this 12 year old young boy to humble me and help me to realize once again the relevance of the above verse. This boy is so humble and willing to be used by the Lord to encourage the body of Christ...who am I to say that he cannot speak into my heart and teach me? I too need to humble myself and become like a child again, ready and willing to hear God's Truth! Thank you Lord for lessons in humility and how YOU are lifting up young people to speak forth Your Truth and Your Word! Amen and amen!
Divine appointments
I walked into the lobby of the Prayer Room at IHOP yesterday, and a young man was standing there holding his young son, 20 months old. I said hello, and cuz kids ALWAYS grab my heart, started interacting with this child and his dad.
To make a long story short, this young man and his wife and two children are called to northern Uganda. Currently, they are in the World Missions program here at IHOP. Their goal is to go join the house of prayer in northern Uganda and start a missions training school there for indigenous Christians. The school will be two years long: the first year students will be immersed in learning and practicing 24/7 prayer and worship, and the second year is training in outreach and evangelism and all parts of missions.
My heart was SINGING about this!!! Why? Because THAT is the format of the World Missions school here at IHOP as well, and THAT is exactly my heart as well!
So, I asked this young man if 'visitors' can come in and sit in on any classes. Indeed, next Monday, I will go and get a visitors' pass and be able to sit in on the class and meet the director, etc.
God is good ALL the time!
To make a long story short, this young man and his wife and two children are called to northern Uganda. Currently, they are in the World Missions program here at IHOP. Their goal is to go join the house of prayer in northern Uganda and start a missions training school there for indigenous Christians. The school will be two years long: the first year students will be immersed in learning and practicing 24/7 prayer and worship, and the second year is training in outreach and evangelism and all parts of missions.
My heart was SINGING about this!!! Why? Because THAT is the format of the World Missions school here at IHOP as well, and THAT is exactly my heart as well!
So, I asked this young man if 'visitors' can come in and sit in on any classes. Indeed, next Monday, I will go and get a visitors' pass and be able to sit in on the class and meet the director, etc.
God is good ALL the time!
Sunday, September 06, 2009
My first party in KC!
The gang: Arden, Mary Jill, Jill, Kendra, Julie, Marcie, Joshua, Nyla, Ginny and Peter!
Peter's loving the salad!

Nyla and Jill!

Nyla and Jill!

I know, I know, I'm supposed to be on sabbatical and resting. What? Throwing parties is not resting? Well, it is in my book! We had a BLAST on Saturday and my friend Mary Jill Callery got to meet some of my new friends here in Kansas City, and I got to meet some of MJ's friends who served on the foreign mission field for 25+ years and are now doing their sabbatical here in Kansas City as well! How amazing that God causes all our paths to cross and we can enjoy an afternoon of FOOD, fellowship, laughter, prayer and love amongst friends!
I was trying to explain to Mary Jill that this party would be a bit different than what we have been used to in central and eastern europe. You see, Americans show up on time, you have to have things ready on time, and they stay two to three hours at the most, unlike in eastern europe.
So, guess who was gone after three hours, and guess who stayed for EIGHT hours! You guessed right! The Americans who live here in KC left "early" and the eastern european missionaries hung out til 8 p.m.! :-)
I'm just thankful to have a wonderful home where I can entertain many guests! God is good ALL the time!
Friday, September 04, 2009
MJ is here!!!! As are the praying manti!
Mary Jill on the front deck of my house in Kansas City!
We arrived home from the prayer room to find that my bug light had worked at keeping most bugs away, but had attracted these HUGE praying manti!
Just LOOK at the size of this praying mantis! He's as large as the number!

I was almost late to the airport to pick up MJ! Well, truth be known, I was late...she was hauling her luggage outside as I came walking in from the parking garage! But SHE'S HERE and we are already having a great time!
And we were welcomed home at night by this lovely praying mantis! Well, my house is a house of rest and refuge and it has been prayed up! :-)
Marcie's B-day celebration
The birthday gang enjoying frozen yogurt after dinner!

Scott and Marcie...and Nyla, who will be living in my basement, starting in October!

I am making new friends, and getting reacquainted with an old friend. My old friend Marcie is now a year older...sorry, no pun intended. I was blessed to be invited to join them and a few of their good friends for dinner to help her celebrate her birthday!
The quick story of how Marcie and I met. We were both teaching with ESI in Hungary, she in Budapest and I in Szeged, in 1992. We hit it off then, and then went our separate ways...until last November, when the renter in her and Scott's basement just happened to have one of my business cards. Marcie saw it and it triggered something in her....Arden Campbell, Arden Campbell...where do I know that name? Anyway, she wrote me an email and it turns out she and her hubby, who first met in Romania while teaching with ESI, now live here in Kansas City about 3 minutes from my house! Small world!
Amazing blessing to be reunited; looking forward to more amazing blessings as all of these friendships grow.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
The boys getting acclimated
Toby snoozing
Toby looking out the window.

Simon....has taken up his "regular" place....this is exactly where he slept on my bed in Hungary!

Peeking out from behind the laundry basket in the closet. :-)

Simon....has taken up his "regular" place....this is exactly where he slept on my bed in Hungary!

Peeking out from behind the laundry basket in the closet. :-)

Transition is not only tough on humans, but on felines as well! Today was a BIG day for Toby and Simon. I took them out on leashes to the back yard for a short excursion and exploration adventure. I know, I know, I'm supposed to leave them in the house for 3 weeks. I almost made it two weeks. Now, they are under very close supervision and they were only out twice for about 10 minutes each time. The funniest part is that BOTH of them were completely crashed, wiped out sleepy this afternoon....moreso than usual. I think the excitement and stress is hitting their 11 year old bodies! :-)
The pix above are from before today.....getting used to their new digs!
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