Well, I kinda forgot to take pictures on Friday evening at our fellowship. I snapped these few after the meeting as folks were fellowshipping. But there is a good story behind the Milka chocolate bar...
I was at school last week and went to our bufe....this is where students and teachers can buy everything from coffee to candy-bars, to sandwiches and pizza slices. So, I spied this NEW Milka chocolate bar and on it it says (if you can read it) "Chocolate cream and chili". My first reaction was: EEEEWWWWW, thus demonstrating my simplistic, unsophisticated chocolate knowledge. Little did I know that most very fine chocolates are made with various spices, and chili is one of the most popular.
Needless to say, my curiosity overcame me and I bought one to try. WOW, is it good! My chocolate loving friends tell me that dark chocolate and chili is much better than with milk chocolate. Always learning....
Anyway, I used this bar of chocolate, or at least the wrapper of it, as a lead in for my talk on the spiritual gift of prophecy on Friday night. How many of us hear about certain spiritual gifts, and like me with the chocolate, immediately dismiss them or get weirded out by them because we've never experienced them or they are very strange?
The Lord longs to bless us with His gifts, for His glory, to build up His people! Paul admonishes all believers to "Follow the way of love, and EAGERLY DESIRE SPIRITUAL GIFTS, especially the gift of prophecy!" (1 Corinthians 14:1).
The questions for me and for maybe some of you is this: Don't I want EVERYTHING that the Lord wants to give me? Am I EAGERLY DESIRING all that He wants to pour out in me and through me, for His glory?
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