Sunday, April 13, 2008

Week in Germany

Pictures will follow in subsequent blogs, but just wanted to give you a brief overview of my 5 days spent in Oberwesel, Germany with 10 students and 1 colleague at a seminar called "European Classes"! It was a great week, meeting wonderful fellow teachers from Romania, Denmark and Germany, and watching all the students from the various countries interact with one another throughout the week! We stayed in a castle...very cool...ate wonderful food...went on hikes...great to be in a mountainous region...rode on a boat on the Rhine River...visited Koblenz and a rich and wonderful "festival of lights" program in the Oberwesel church...slept some...laughed some...learned a lot about other nations...and travelled MANY hours on trains, buses and in cars! It was GREAT to get away, even though sleep was minimal...GREAT to get to know these Hungarian students better...just GREAT all the way around! Stay tuned for pictures forthcoming!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was just about to email and ask how your trip was and here is the answer: you seem to have had a great trip! what a blessing for you... i bet there will be many valuable spiritual lessons that you will bless us with from this trip. i'm excited to see pix and hear lessons - Tomislav