Wednesday, April 16, 2008

European Classes

TV news show!

Yes, the Russian space shuttle was being transported up the Rhine River to a museum and WE got to see it. I learned, as it was passing by, that it was NEVER in space.

Our shopping afternoon in Koblenz.

They had a festival of lights in the gothic cathedral in Oberwesel and it was FABULOUS! TF would have LOVED it!!!

The EU Council of Ministers meetings on the last day! Students represented their own countries, plus the UK, Czech Republic, Ireland, and Holland.

A friend of mine asked me, "So what exactly were you doing in Germany? What is european classes?" Sorry for not explaining. The goal is to have "mock" european union "meetings" and take part in a "mock" 'Council of Ministers' meeting, to give high school kids an opportunity to see what being a diplomat in the EU might be like. Plus, it's an opportunity for students to meet other students from other nations and discuss issues that are relevant to all.

So, in the mornings, students from one school would read out their papers they'd written on such topics as 'abortion', 'labeling people', 'reusable plastics', recognition of smaller european nations', etc. Then groups would gather....see picture in blog below...and discuss one of these 'reports' for an hour an a half, giving opinions, perspectives, etc.

There were other activities, get to know you games, putting together a TV news show, etc. Then on the last day, the "formal" council of ministers meeting took place where every nation presented a resolution to be voted upon, discussed, amended and revoted upon by EU nations! So, fun mixed with work.


Anonymous said...

This sounds a lot like Ohio Model United Nations that I did in 8th grade....except that we were all students from Ohio pretending to be from different countries. How neat that you can do this with students who are actually from different countries!

Anonymous said...

very cool report! thanks Arden... I am curious to hear of your thoughts from discussions about abortion and such... Yes, I think I'd have loved that Gothic Cathedral too. -TF

Unknown said...

I was "assigned" a group to observe, so I was in on "animal testing" and "labeling people". Didn't get to hear the discussions on the other topics. So nothing exciting to report.