Monday, April 21, 2008

Simon's big night out!

As the days grow longer, my cats want to stay out later in the yard. Simon has mastered tree climbing and terrorizing the neighbor's cats. Last night, it was well after dark when I called for both Toby and Simon to come inside. Toby came and Simon remained perched on the 14 foot wall between our yards. I finally went to bed, but did not put my earplugs in, hoping I would eventually hear his cries to come inside. At 1:30 a.m., after having slept VERY little, I decided to put the earplugs in and hope Simon would be found alive in the morning. I awoke to find him curled up at the bottom of my bed...he'd awakened my neighbor at 4 a.m. with his cries.

So, what did Simon do all day? He slept! Along with his mom, who was home sick today with a bad sore throat and aches. Funny, even when Simon was let out today into the yard, he didn't venture up the tree to the neighbor's fact, when we called them in, Simon came racing in first...I think maybe his big night out may have been a bit chilly and lonely!

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