Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
There are things that we can and must do to bring change in areas of our lives...however, as a follower of Jesus, true change comes only through absolute surrender to the Holy Spirit living within me. The question then becomes, am I willing to submit my stubborn flesh to His perfect, loving Spirit, who wants absolutely NOTHING but the best for me in every area of my life? Maybe the first step to change is reworking our view of God Himself. He may look too much like our earthly fathers for us to see Him as He truly is, the One who delights in us and only desires to pour out GOOD things into our lives...even though some of those good things mean be continued...
Off to Holland!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Some craziness at ICF
ICF - Worship, Fun, Laughter, and Community

Our fellowship, raptly attentive to Ed teaching!
Ed Courtney teaching on "Why are we here?"

God really blessed us on Friday evening this week with a visit from Ed and Sybil Courtney, pastors of the International Christian Fellowship in Debrecen! Sybil gave her testimony, Ed gave a message on "Why are we here?" (to be children of God!), while Erik led worship, and everyone enjoyed sweet fellowship! MJ and Edith also made the long trip from Debrecen, and along with some of our "regular" crowd, we had a new young lady, Sophie, from Atlanta, GA!!!
A number of us lingered long after 9 fact, we left about 10:20 finally! This "after ICF time" was especially sweet with pockets of conversations happening in various parts of the room, and even some craziness going on listening to you can see from the pictures above! Stay tuned as I will be giving you a link to a VERY funny video clip of me and Aron, above, as we listen to, "dance", and even sing to a Hillsong song on his ipod!
What a precious gift ICF is to all of us here in Szeged and we continue to pray that God will bring His children to this fellowship to be loved on, encouraged, challenged, and find a deeper walk with HIM!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Budapest 24/7 Prayer Room

Djembe lessons!!!!
Bilingual Seniors

Ladies in Lavender
To briefly summarize the story, two elderly sisters, who live near the ocean shore in Great Britain, see a young man who has washed up onto shore and is nearly dead. They nurse him back to life and health, and it turns out he is Polish and a gifted violinist. These ladies pour their hearts and lives into this young man, giving him everything he needs to start life over...and then he is whisked away to London, without even having an opportunity to give them a proper "goodbye". Needless to say, the sisters are devastated by his hasty and seemingly heartless departure. Later, however, they learn that he will be the soloist at a philharmonic orchestral concert. The two sisters travel to London and surprise him after the concert! Of course the reunion is sweet, but oh, so short-lived as the three of them have about 2 minutes together before he is whisked off to meet "very important people."
The sisters watch him walk away, turn to each other and decide to leave, rather than wait to see him again. We don't know if they ever meet again.
We, like these sisters, in a moment may be called to "breathe" life into someone, nurture that person, love that person, give that person everything he or she needs, and quite suddenly, that person could be taken out of our lives for whatever reason. In this film, we see that the seeds they planted into his life were for a greater harvest...his musical talents "ministering" to hundreds if not thousands. The sisters, of course, would have loved to have kept the boy around, but we can say the Lord had greater plans for him. Letting go is often very challenging, but when we see the blessing, as these sisters got to see when they saw him perform, the sacrifice is worth it all.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Simon's big night out!
So, what did Simon do all day? He slept! Along with his mom, who was home sick today with a bad sore throat and aches. Funny, even when Simon was let out today into the yard, he didn't venture up the tree to the neighbor's fact, when we called them in, Simon came racing in first...I think maybe his big night out may have been a bit chilly and lonely!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
ICF - Open Microphone Night!

Erin Barrett came from Budapest and blessed us with her voice!
Erin accompanies Tiana Person as she sings "Lord Reign in Me".
Cathy Williamson sings "El Shaddai".
ICF-ers getting ready for Sara's fun, all-inclusive Swedish song about frogs with no ears and tails!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
More cathedral pix....

Just imagine the lights illuminating and fading and changing in sync with the monastic music playing! Even our "party-animal" kids said to me, "Can we just stay here for a couple of hours? It's so incredibly peaceful!" Go God!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
European Classes

Yes, the Russian space shuttle was being transported up the Rhine River to a museum and WE got to see it. I learned, as it was passing by, that it was NEVER in space.
Our shopping afternoon in Koblenz.
They had a festival of lights in the gothic cathedral in Oberwesel and it was FABULOUS! TF would have LOVED it!!!
The EU Council of Ministers meetings on the last day! Students represented their own countries, plus the UK, Czech Republic, Ireland, and Holland.
So, in the mornings, students from one school would read out their papers they'd written on such topics as 'abortion', 'labeling people', 'reusable plastics', recognition of smaller european nations', etc. Then groups would gather....see picture in blog below...and discuss one of these 'reports' for an hour an a half, giving opinions, perspectives, etc.
There were other activities, get to know you games, putting together a TV news show, etc. Then on the last day, the "formal" council of ministers meeting took place where every nation presented a resolution to be voted upon, discussed, amended and revoted upon by EU nations! So, fun mixed with work.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Germany!!!! Part - IV

The view out the hallway window of our accomodations!
Zsolti, Valeria, and the start of our 6 km. hike!
About 3 km. into our hike...yes, in the distance at the top of the picture, is our castle!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Germany Pictures - Part III

The students from Romania, introducing their school!
The Danish students introducing their school.
Our Hungarian students watching our own power point program, introducing our school!
The students from Germany, giving their introductions!
Oberwesel, Germany - Part II pix

The Hungarians came up with a great "get to know you game" which is being carried out in this picture!
Breakfast the morning of our first FULL day...really yummy food!!!
Our "humble" room is third from the left on the brown and white level.
Yes, we stayed in an 11th century castle!!!! And yes, the weather was cold, foggy, a bit rainy, except for one afternoon. Oh well.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Pictures from trip to Germany - Part I
Week in Germany
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Friday at 7 - ICF

Thursday, April 03, 2008
A God question
"Why are you seeking Me?"
I'll give you some of my thoughts after I hear from some of you...
funny signs

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Gates, fields and rivers