The pizza above is most definitely Hungarian. I tried it for the FIRST time last night. Tuna pizza with lemons. I LOVE IT! I can add it to my list of 'things I'll miss in Hungary.'
I'm also including things I won't miss in this blog. Of course I will have to pay bills in the U.S. but I certainly won't miss paying on average $400/month for gas, electricity and water for a 3 room apartment. OUCH! Add another $120/ month for basic cable, internet and phone, and it gets ugly, especially when my job only pays $250/month. Not complaining, just stating reality. A colleague of mine paid $365 one month JUST for the gas bill for their home of 4 rooms!
1 comment:
I tried tuna and lemon pizza when I was in Szeged! I liked it, but I haven't really thought of it since so I guess I can't say I missed it. I am doing a couple presentations this week on my experiences in the Hungarian healthcare system. So I've been going through my Szeged pictures! I do miss walking through that beautiful city.
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