Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Suggestion for economic cutbacks in Hungary....
The hospital here has a number of patients IN the hospital, taking up beds, whose "illness" is......
obesity.......yes, you read that correctly.........
people are admitted to the hospital to stay for 2-3 weeks simply because they are obese.
The logic, according to the doctors, is to teach them how to eat properly. And this cannot be done on an out-patient basis? They have to take up a bed for a couple of weeks in the hospital? I'm no doctor, but probably the last thing these people need to be doing is lying around in a hospital bed! I would think they would need to be out walking, or swimming, or maybe on a treadmill...but lying in a hospital bed?
I think the Hungarian government could save a bit of money by not hospitalizing people who are simply suffering from obesity....
2 lessons left
This has snuck up on me in Hungary we teach a group of students for 4 years, so relationships are strong between teacher and student...usually. My 12a class and my 12b class are both very precious to me. I've seen them grow like crazy in their language acquisition, but even more importantly as human beings.
So, what will we do the last two lessons. Well, baseball is on the agenda....and I'm not sure what the other lesson will entail. Probably some tears....
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The orphan...

A friend of mine recently blogged about the plight of the orphan and how her heart breaks over the orphan. Mine does too...I don't exactly know where this heart came from except that maybe because I love Jesus and God says that true religion is caring for widows and orphans, He has planted this in me.
One of the greatest and most cherished treasures I will carry with me for the rest of my life is the privilege I've had here in Hungary of befriending and being a part of the lives of some orphans.
Laci, whom I've written about before, (pictured above), is one such young man. He wasn't an "igazi orphan" (true orphan) but rather, his alcoholic and abusive parents did not provide him with a safe home, and so Laci grew up in the children's home here in Szeged. If you have followed my blog at all, you know his story, or at least the chapters I've been blessed to be a part of.
My heart still breaks for Laci and others like him, whom I call my friends. Bori, who will give birth to her 3rd child in July. She is one of the best mothers I've ever seen...go figure since she spent her life in the children's home since the age of two! Gorbe Laci, age 24, who now lives in England and is working hard! His mom and dad abandoned him and then his sister did too, all before the age of 4. I have high hopes that he will come to the U.S. someday, legally, and work and study!
And then there is Nagy Laci, who is 19 and living in a homeless shelter, unemployed and pretty much uneducated. Or Dudi...also living in a homeless shelter and because of some mental deficiencies, has a hard time holding down a job. He is 24 years old.
I am so thankful for each one of these young ones. God has used them to shine a light into my heart that I pray never goes out. These precious ones have loved me in ways that some people who come from "good homes" don't even know how to love....unconditionally. They have forgiven me. They have stuck by me through thick and thin.
Yes, I have learned much from these orphans...and I have much more to learn. I believe, too, that the church at large is coming to a place where the orphan will be challenging our long-held and time-worn (out) beliefs.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." (James 1:27)
I don't want to turn this blog into a sermon...I'm simply sharing what has been for years and continues to be deeply planted in my heart. And as the world's population of orphans increases, I wonder what "much" will be expected from those of us who have been given "much"?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
FUN pictures from ICF!

TWO weeks of ICF!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009
A new day for my boys!
Today is a new day. I decided I need to ease them into getting used to having an ID collar on and bought each of them new collars. (IDs will come later). When I tried to get them to wear collars a few years ago, they went nuts, trying to rip them off, so I was a bit leery.
However, so far so good. They don't like them very much, but they are tolerating them so far. This way, if when they get to America they decide to jump the fence and wander the new neighborhood, they will have some ID on them. Plus, they will have microchips implanted before the big trip...have to do that now to be legal!
Pictures of my boys sporting their new collars will come in a subsequent blog.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
A mish-mash of images in Hungary

As I was walking to the post office the other day, I saw this line of people waiting outside this second-hand clothing shop. Waiting, waiting, waiting to get in on a Monday morning when the "pickins" are good. I strolled inside after going to the post office and these same people were almost frantically rummaging through piles and piles of clothes.....
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Are you willing?
"For those who are willing, God will set your motivations and aspirations in right priority. It will be a painful work, for He will have to bring you to a place of such desperate dependence upon Him that the only cry of your heart will be, "I must gain Christ!" Only then will you realize that being in His face is your solitary source of survival."
Pain is never fun. But in God's Kingdom shaping, it is absolutely necessary! The old addage, "No pain, no gain" is true even with God's doings. He loves us enough not to leave us where we are, and sometimes that means lots of pain in order to gain Christ.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Emotional overload
I received a letter from a friend of mine working in a foreign country. This friend describes a scene from life that made me pause, and continues to do so as I ponder it. This friend witnessed, first-hand, the death of an elderly man who was not a believer in Jesus. The look of sheer terror in this man's eyes as he took his last breaths on this earth will remain forever embedded in the mind and heart of my friend. My friend has realized anew the significance of being salt and light on this earth and sharing the love of Jesus with everyone! This story has brought to my mind those in my life who do not know Jesus...and my heart breaks anew....
On a completely different vein...I drove up to the gate in front of my house at about 10 p.m. on Monday night. A man was weaving back and forth on the sidewalk....obviously drunk, but what he was doing baffled me....he was walking along, zipper open, urinating as he walked. His two drunk friends were standing and just laughing at him as he left his trail along the sidewalk and weaved his way down the street. I couldn't decide whether to be disgusted or sad...I think a bit of both filled my heart.
Sunday morning, I watched a sermon via internet, streamed from a church in the U.S. This church has been rocked in the last few months, and the current pastor got righteously angry on Sunday, screaming at people to "shut their mouths!" and quit the gossip and slander! Once again, I sat, asking the Lord, "How am I to respond?" I was quickly reminded of Jesus going into the temple and expressing righteous anger at sin.
Emotions are flaring to extremes everywhere these days...what we do with them is crucial.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Will I miss this or not?
I can't decide if I will miss this routine or see, there's a personal touch in handing your bills to an actual person. I've also made a good friend at the main post office downtown with the woman who works upstairs! She has been patient with me over the years and we ALWAYS have a smile for one another! I'll miss her. Tears came to her eyes when I told her I was returning to the U.S.
However, it will be nice to go online and pay bills...but I'll miss the walks to the P.O as well. Hmmm, it's definitely a toss-up on this one!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hard times in Hungary
to learn more about what is currently happening in Hungary.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Fun entertainment

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Things I'll miss and things I won't miss in Hungary

Deak Olympics

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Szeged will be famous

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Worship event in Szeged!

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Things I'll miss in Hungary....

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Today, as I walked past these same fields, I missed seeing the cornstalks...I missed seeing the 'fruit'...I missed the beauty. Instead, I got to see some fields that look like this picture below...just dirt. Plowed. Flat. Sort of ugly. Nothing that anyone would go out of their way to take a picture of. Nothing that anyone would really say is beautiful.
But the revelation came quickly. These 'ugly' looking dirt fields are the same fields that were beautifully full of 'fruit' just months ago. The Good Farmer knows that they have to be plowed over, plowed under, plowed...and prepared. If the Good Farmer doesn't do this, the field won't produce anything of value. After each fruitful season, there is a plowing over, a plowing under, a time when things can seem pretty 'ugly' and unproductive. However, the Good Farmer knows how necessary it is to get the ground ready for the..........................

............seed! After the plowing, and the fertilizing of the soil and the waiting through the winter, comes the planting of the seed. But even this picture isn't something someone would notice and say, "Wow, look at that beautiful field!" The seeds are just breaking the surface as they sink their roots down deeply into the nutrient rich soil that the Good Farmer prepared. And even more importantly, these little plants are reaching up to...............

....................the life-giving sunshine. As I walked along today, mostly looking down at the ground and at the dirt fields, and the early growth, I suddenly sensed I should look UP! This is what I saw! Gorgeous, life-giving sunshine that brings growth to these fields. And even as I looked up, I sensed the Good Farmer's love pouring out on me in all His life-giving glory, reminding me that the times of being plowed over and under, the times of sitting and waiting, the times of planting seed and small growth springing forth are all necessary for His fruit to be produced in my life.
"Oh the wonderful cross, oh the wonderful cross, bids me come and die and find that I may truly live!"
Friday at 7 - International Christian Fellowship

Friday, March 13, 2009
In His Face - by Bob Sorge
"Jesus operated totally independently of people. Whatever He did or didn't do, it had nothing to do with those around Him. Everything He did was because it was what the Father was telling Him to do." (p. 80)
Whoa, do I operate totally independently of people, and only do what the Father tells me to do?
"If I do not receive honor from men, then here's the liberating part: I need not receive dishonor from men. This is what gave Jesus His incredible freedom in the presence of His critics.
I have often been amazed at how Jesus handled confrontational situations. When He went "head to head" with the Pharisees, He never backed down once. I thought, "Jesus, You sure were thick-skinned!" But it wasn't that Jesus was hard or tough; it was simply that when they fired their dishonor at Him, He didn't receive it. Because He didn't receive their honor either." (p. 82)
God, forgive me for seeking honor from people.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Some beautiful women!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A very good book!
Here are just a smattering of quotes from the first three chapters:
"The cross is the surest antidote to theological weirdness. It is time to gaze with new wonder at the passion of Christ's cross."
"I have five things to say about waiting. First: I hate it. Second: waiting on the Lord kills me. Wait a minute. Now I'm seeing something. That's what He's trying to do. He's taking so long because He wants me to die to myself. Third: Waiting is an act of humility...waiting is humbling because it is a posture of dependence. Fourth: waiting is an act of faith. Fifth: waiting puts us in a receiving posture."
"My flesh is absolutely incapable of tuning in to God's sense of timing."
Some food for thought, huh?
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Weekend away with lady-friends!