This is the time of year when we begin to reflect on the past year. World events have been nothing less that quite tumultuous! For some of us, personal events have been life-changing...some have experienced tremendous loss, grief and tragedy...others have welcomed life, love, joy and happiness. Every journey is significant and unique. It's who we look TO in the journey that makes the difference!
These reflections in puddles can remind us that sometimes things are clear, sometimes hazy; sometimes things need to be left in the past for good, and sometimes we need to continue pressing in and believing God for His restoration. Only He can give us the wisdom as we spend time reflecting on the past year...Seek first the Kingdom of God....
Nice blog...!
The Monster Look ©
Some clear, some hazy. Some past, some coming. Yet all an intricate weaving strand of God's universal design and beautiful plan.
We may or may not see it yet it's going to be meaningful. One day, that one day...
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