Sunday, December 21, 2008


Ok, you know the kind of cold that if you sniff your nose-hairs freeze? Yea, that's how cold it is here in Kansas City! I stepped out of the house this morning, hatless, and wished I'd brought my cool hat from Hungary because I know I lost a lot of body heat in the first 3 seconds of the arctic blast of air that swept over me as I headed to my rental car to go to church! You know it's bad when you are still seeing your breath inside the car after the heater has been on for 10 minutes! YIKES!

Had a great worship service this morning with amazing worship...and a fantastic message by Bob Sorge. This afternoon, I met an OLD (not in age) friend with whom I taught in Hungary in 1992! Marcie and I went out to lunch and got the run-down on each others' lives since '92! No small feat since we've both had tons of experiences since then!

Now off to see some Christmas the COLD....they are expecting tonight to be one of the coldest nights on record in HISTORY, that is, here in Kansas City. Can't wait to hit some sunshine in Arizona in a couple of days!

Sorry, no pictures yet.....

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