Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New goggles...adjustments...moving forward

I swam with my new goggles today. First, I had to adjust the nosepiece so they would fit better. When I put them on, they felt a bit tight, but good...I'd gotten used to my "old" goggles needing to be tight on my face. Well, when I finished swimming and removed the goggles, I had deep, red round marks around both some really funny looks from people. I realized I should have loosened them so that they didn't squeeze my face and leave marks. They need further adjustment before they will work as they are intended.
Taking time to adjust things...taking time...being patient...making appropriate adjustments...waiting...this reminds me that God is never in a hurry...I was "in a hurry" to get in the pool and do my laps, and I "suffered" the consequences.
Moving forward often means leaving things behind...old goggles...old ways of doing things; sometimes it's painful to adjust and move forward, but oh so necessary in order to move into what God has for us. The old goggles "fit" a certain way...but the new goggles "fit" in a different way, and if I try to use them in the "old" way, I'll be in pain and I'll be left with deep, red marks on my face.
God wants us to move forward into His way of doing things, and His mercies are new every morning. The blood of Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever; God is the same yesterday, today and forever; but have we even begun to plunge the depths of who God really is? That may take some adjusting and shifting and letting go of some of our "old" ways of thinking as He leads us into knowing Himself, giving us HIS goggles to see from His perspective.


revtom said...

Great post! God has gifted you with the ability to take everyday life situations and apply His truths to real life, keep these awesome thoughts coming Holy Spirit!

Anonymous said...

great thoughts Arden. I hope you are keeping things like this for your own collection, maybe to be published later. Edith