Thursday, January 24, 2008

fun site

My friend pointed me to a fun website: If you go there and click on "travel widgets", you can "map" how many countries and states you have visited. Then it calculates the percentage of the nations of the world you have visited! I was quite shocked to discover that I've been to 15% of the nations of the world! Go check for yourself and let me know your percentage!


Anonymous said...

I've only been to 4% of the countries of the world, though I'm hoping to add to that next year! I also found that I know people from 11% of the countries of the world and I've been to 56% of the U.S. States.

Unknown said...

cool! Where are you going next year?

Anonymous said...

I'm still hoping to go to Hungary for a couple of my pharmacy rotations next year! (And maybe I can visit some surrounding countries). We are putting in our requests for rotation sites this week, although we won't get our official placements for a few months.