A new friend asked me a very good question today: "If you were to pull out of leading these Bible studies that you have been leading for years now, would they continue on without you?"
My first response was a hesitating "ummmmm, weeellllll", then a "I think so, maybe....."
My realistic response was: "Maybe for a while, but probably not."
As a missionary, you don't want people getting attached to you; you want them getting attached to Jesus Christ. Of course if you are involved in church planting you are working on raising up indigenous leaders to lead the church and literally "working yourself out of a job."
But what about those of us leading home group Bible studies and such? The goal, obviously, is to see that they are rooted and grounded in their faith in Jesus Christ, and hopefully, connected to the local church. And this is indeed the case with most of the girls.
However, is "part of the draw" of these Bible studies to practice English? Not that that is a bad thing, necessarily, but if the Bible study "falls apart" when I leave for a season, what does that say about it, and more importantly, about me as a leader?
Hard question to come face to face with today, but a very good one!
Lord, help me to work myself out of a "job" here; I pray NO ONE is dependent upon me for their walk with You!" Amen.
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