Well, the battle is on, the battle is real, and the battle is raging. I find it interesting that it has been about 3 months since I sort of "hit the wall" with exhaustion and just yesterday, I was blasted out of the "tomb" and back into the battle that is raging. Something significant about the number 3, isn't there? Yesterday, I went to see one of my "boys", 21 year old Laci, perform at the children's home "winter festival"; to make a long story very short, I learned about a group of people, graduates of the school of metaphysics here in Szeged, who have been coming to the home since just after Christmas and "ministering to the kids spirits" by giving them "love". For me, yesterday was RESURRECTION DAY!!!! This Lion of Judah is roaring with the angels of heaven against the minions of hell who have infiltrated this children's home with their deceitful LIES and manipulation. I cannot begin to express the profound sadness and righteous ANGER I felt and am feeling regarding this slimy tactic of the enemy to come in and try to steal, kill and destroy these kids. If you are a born-again follower of Jesus Christ, please stop now and pray for God to have His victory in their hearts and that He will raise up HIS army to go and do battle for these children, and He will drive the enemy OUT of this home and come sweeping in with His Holy Spirit to fill the hearts of these young people who are so hungry for love. How dare the enemy think that he can do this......Jesus, claim Your victory and protect your children!!!
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