Have you ever stopped to ask yourself: "Why am I giving in to public pressure to get a flu shot?"
I am not saying that people shouldn't do it; what I am saying is this: please consider looking into using therapeutic grade essential oils as an alternative to synthetically generated drugs.
First, essential oils are NATURAL. In fact, people used these down through history to treat illnesses, and the Bible is FULL of examples of oils being used.
Second, they go to the cellular level and do not simply treat symptoms.
Third, when you use the purest forms of essential oils, i.e. those which are created from plants grown in their native environments, you are using the most potent forms of the oils possible.
So, in order to face flu season, my husband and I are taking our DoTerra On Guard beadlets every morning. On Guard is a blend of oils that builds the immune system of the body. What a better way to face this season of germs!
Have a look here to find out more! Arden's DoTerra Website

Contact me with any questions!
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