Friday, June 27, 2014

DoTerra Oils and ticks!

This morning, as Paul was preparing for work, he noticed something on the back of his leg.  Thankfully, instead of picking at it, he asked me to look at it.  Sure enough, it was a tick, fully embedded in his leg.

So, we did proper tick removal procedures...with tweezers, gripping the head and pulling firmly, successfully removing the entire tick, head and all.  Then we looked at our handy Modern Essentials book to see what oils may help.

I just praise God for these oils.  Lavender and Purify are the oils recommended by DoTerra to help support the body.  We will let you know how it all turns out!


Anonymous said...

Hi Arden, I met Paul at the school where I work today and told him of my interest in essential oils. I probably won't be able to make the meeting 11/18. Do you have a product guide or something to look at?
Thank you,
I prefer not to add any contact info here but am sure your husband would know my e-mail through the district.

Arden Campbell Czaszewicz said...

Hi Michelle, Thanks for contacting me, and I'm glad you met Paul and he was able to tell you a bit about DoTerra! Our DoTerra team will be having more gatherings, so I will keep you informed about those.

I will be getting some hard-copy information to pass along to you today. In the meantime, the best source of information is my website:

I will call you today!