Monday, January 21, 2013


I used to write a lot.  Daily, in fact.  I kept a journal, I 'journaled' here on this blog, pondered life, and gave my not-so-biased views on many things.  What's happened to keep me from writing so frequently?


Nice excuse.  But real nonetheless.  There is a reality to living in the good-ole-U.S. of A. that I didn't experience when I was living in Hungary.  In Hungary, even though life took LONGER to live each day, life in the U.S. is just busy because it seems to take MORE effort just to make ends meet.  At the end of the day, when all the papers are graded, the connections made with customers, and the bills are paid, I crawl into bed, spent, often exhausted, my mind filled with unmet desires as I look at the stack of unread books on my bedside table.  

How did I get away from the topic of writing so quickly and into the mode of complaining?  Forgive me.  Back to writing.  I found great solace in putting pen to paper or plunking out profound thoughts on my blog.  There is something very therapeutic about processing on paper, as the saying goes.  

However, now, writing seems to be daunting for me; there are simply not enough hours in a day to do the kind of justice writing deserves.  Plus, these days I am spending many hours per day reading other people's writing, and so come close of day, I simply want to turn my computer off and not write or read another word.  

Now I understand why I quit giving my students in Hungary papers to write  ha ha ha!  

Call it mid-life crisis or whatever you will, but I'm definitely finding great joy in trying my hand at different things other than teaching school.  However, I digress yet again.

Back to writing.  I want to write...I really do.  I have a couple of books churning inside of me, but finding the time to write while having the ability to pay bills is the dilemma I find myself in these days.  I'm praying for the day when I can spend hours on my laptop doing my own writing, revising and editing of my own pieces.  

We'll see.....til then...enjoy my musings, convoluted as they may be.  


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