Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Monday, September 05, 2011
What we've been up to lately
Paul and our god-daughter, Anna.
I LOVE that I have a fun husband! :-)
Paul, Anna's god-father, praying a blessing over Anna on her 13th birthday.
Selenia and her family!
Cooking hot dogs over the open fire!
All the children at Anna's party, making funny faces for the camera!
Here is Anna, opening her gifts at her 13th birthday party.
My dear friend, Marcie, and I at a friend's 13th birthday party. The theme was Hawaiian!
This was Marcie's _____ birthday celebration. Her husband, seated on the left, surprised her with a party at Cheesecake factory with some of her dearest friends!
Paul and I received a very cool wedding gift...this Coleman 4-person tent. We finally tried it out in our backyard last night as the temps were FABULOUSLY cool (finally) and LOVED IT! We both slept well, but Simon is still not sure what to make of this tent! :-) Thanks Pepus and Cola for this WAY COOL GIFT! :-)
The tent is a four-person tent, so the two of us had plenty of room!
Our morning faces after our first night in the tent! :-)
Paul and I have had a very busy last four months since our wedding in May. Blessings in abundance have abounded as we have worked, traveled, celebrated birthdays of friends, harvested veggies from our garden, started a new business, camped in our backyard, laughed, cried, loved and been loved. Our lives are rich, rich, rich as the Lord has been so very good to us!
Now we are in the throes of school...Paul has begun his first student-teaching assignment teaching 5th graders, and I am engaged in my writing-coaching job online. Two educators in the house makes for a busy year ahead. So as the breezes blow through our home and we enjoy 65 degrees outside this morning, we rejoice in all of God's goodness and blessings.
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