My husband, Paul, started his student teaching this fall. His first assignment is with 5th graders in the Missouri public school system. As I write this, he is sitting in the living room, grading papers and planning lessons....ahhhh, memories.
Twenty-four years ago I was in those student-teaching shoes; however, my grade level was 9th, and my subject area was English. It probably took me about 20 years to get over the trauma of those months completely. In just two months, I lost 20 pounds and experienced the greatest stress in my life up to that point. Probably the only reason I am alive today is because my house-mate at the time, Maria, fed me and encouraged me. At the end of student-teaching, I wasn't sure I even wanted to be a fact, I said I didn't want to be a teacher.
Last night, Paul came home and declared he doesn't want to be a teacher. Poor guy...he and I are very much alike....we both have perfectionist tendencies, and it took me about 2 years to realize, finally, that you cannot be a perfectionist and be a teacher. Plus, there is not a kinder, gentler man on the planet, and that tendency simply doesn't "work" very well with 5th graders. One of his biggest challenges is to 'be mean'....and so, here we are, walking through his challenging student-teaching experience! Plus, he is at a tremendous disadvantage compared to me 24 years ago....the students today are MUCH more challenging on a number of levels, and teachers hands are tied in many ways they weren't "back then."
Praise God I've been there, done that, and could write a book. God knew, and so as I sit here catching up on my blogging, he is grading and planning....ah the joys of being a green teacher. We both need a lot of grace in this season...thankfully, the Lord never runs out of grace. I know Paul is going to be a GREAT teacher...he will survive student-teaching and the Lord will place him exactly where he needs to be! Do pray for him, though, through December...and for me to love him well!
Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Pride, Confession, Repentance
God gives grace to the humble. GOD gives grace to the humble. God GIVES grace to the humble. God gives GRACE to the humble. God gives grace to the HUMBLE.
God opposes the arrogant. GOD opposes the arrogant. God OPPOSES the arrogant. God opposes the ARROGANT.
GOD gives GRACE to the HUMBLE.
As a follower of Jesus, one can only live in pride and arrogance for so long before it all comes crashing down, because God WILL oppose that person. He will not allow mixture, and if there is found to be mixture, it's by His GRACE that it is brought out into the open and into the light for His healing to take place. Because His heart is FOR us and not against us, it's His mercy that exposes, His mercy that brings us to repentance, and His mercy that heals.
Lest we think God doesn't take humility and non-mixture seriously, have a look at Moses. What a resume! Called to lead a people out of bondage and into freedom. In the process, Moses allowed a hint of mixture...his own human zeal in striking the rock rather than speaking to the rock as God had commanded...and with that mixture, he forsook his own entry into the promised land. There are indeed consequences to mixture. Did God's people remain God's people? Was Moses still loved by God? Did God raise up other leaders (none of whom was perfect mind you)? Yes to all of these questions...because God is a loving and gracious God who is in the business of purifying His Bride for His return.
Pride is subtle. It can creep in and even under the guise of humility reveal that which can become mixture.
God is so good in His grace and mercy to bring to light pride and arrogance and the fruit of it so that it can be plucked, dug up, uprooted, and a tree of humility, planted by God's grace, can be planted instead. Father, grant me the humility to see the areas in my life where arrogance and pride have crept in, creating mixture, causing bad fruit to grow; then give me the grace to allow You to uproot it and plant a new tree of Your grace. Amen and amen.
God opposes the arrogant. GOD opposes the arrogant. God OPPOSES the arrogant. God opposes the ARROGANT.
GOD gives GRACE to the HUMBLE.
As a follower of Jesus, one can only live in pride and arrogance for so long before it all comes crashing down, because God WILL oppose that person. He will not allow mixture, and if there is found to be mixture, it's by His GRACE that it is brought out into the open and into the light for His healing to take place. Because His heart is FOR us and not against us, it's His mercy that exposes, His mercy that brings us to repentance, and His mercy that heals.
Lest we think God doesn't take humility and non-mixture seriously, have a look at Moses. What a resume! Called to lead a people out of bondage and into freedom. In the process, Moses allowed a hint of mixture...his own human zeal in striking the rock rather than speaking to the rock as God had commanded...and with that mixture, he forsook his own entry into the promised land. There are indeed consequences to mixture. Did God's people remain God's people? Was Moses still loved by God? Did God raise up other leaders (none of whom was perfect mind you)? Yes to all of these questions...because God is a loving and gracious God who is in the business of purifying His Bride for His return.
Pride is subtle. It can creep in and even under the guise of humility reveal that which can become mixture.
God is so good in His grace and mercy to bring to light pride and arrogance and the fruit of it so that it can be plucked, dug up, uprooted, and a tree of humility, planted by God's grace, can be planted instead. Father, grant me the humility to see the areas in my life where arrogance and pride have crept in, creating mixture, causing bad fruit to grow; then give me the grace to allow You to uproot it and plant a new tree of Your grace. Amen and amen.
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Kansas City Star Magazine article about our church
Click on the title of this blog or cut and paste the link below to read a good article about my church family here in Kansas City. While I don't live in the neighborhood where all this is taking place, I am blessed to be a part of all of these peoples' lives and be learning from them.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Weekend Conference
I attended two conferences in the past 3 days. One was a women's conference with Stonecroft Ministries. My two friends and I enjoyed it...we loved hanging out with each other and meeting some other women from around the country.
The other conference was with Desert Streams and both Paul and I attended and were richly blessed. I want to share a few thoughts from the DS conference which really pricked my heart:
"The Father and the Son allowed the darkness of our sin to sever their relationship."
"Father and Son both surrendering to the abandonment from each other that ended every abandonment, at the cross, that we could ever experience."
"Come into agreement with what the King says about you!"
"What I need is mercy, not recognition."
The other conference was with Desert Streams and both Paul and I attended and were richly blessed. I want to share a few thoughts from the DS conference which really pricked my heart:
"The Father and the Son allowed the darkness of our sin to sever their relationship."
"Father and Son both surrendering to the abandonment from each other that ended every abandonment, at the cross, that we could ever experience."
"Come into agreement with what the King says about you!"
"What I need is mercy, not recognition."
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The UN
The Lord reminded me today that no matter what happens with the UN vote tomorrow, He is still on His throne and He is the author and finisher of all of history.
I'm praying today...for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done in people's hearts at the UN as it is in heaven.
I cannot help but hear the vitriolic comments (through the years, really) and wonder how and where so much hatred and animosity has come from. Sad, really.
One thing is clear: those who bless will be blessed...those who curse, will themselves incur the consequences. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob be exalted and lifted up, and may His people focus their eyes on Him, seeking His heart, His hopeful answers, and His solution.
I'm praying today...for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done in people's hearts at the UN as it is in heaven.
I cannot help but hear the vitriolic comments (through the years, really) and wonder how and where so much hatred and animosity has come from. Sad, really.
One thing is clear: those who bless will be blessed...those who curse, will themselves incur the consequences. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob be exalted and lifted up, and may His people focus their eyes on Him, seeking His heart, His hopeful answers, and His solution.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Happy 12-year celebration to IHOP - 24/7 prayer and worship
I am at home streaming the 12-year celebration of 24/7 prayer and worship here at the International House of Prayer. (Of course I would love to be there in person, but I've been ill the past week and am trying to kick this illness).
12 years of 24/7 and growing. As I watch the web-stream and see the faces of those leading worship today, I see humility.
That has been my experience during my 2+ years of being a part of this missions community. I think that's what prayer does to a heart...causes the humility of Jesus to come alive in it. When Jesus is lifted up and exalted and He becomes and remains the center of everything a 'mission' is about, then the fruit that emerges is good, and one of those fruits is humility.
I'm sure behind the scenes there are probably stories of those who jockey for position, but as I was sharing with a friend today, I'm blown away by the fact that there are tremendous leaders in the body of Christ who have chosen to come under the umbrella of IHOP when they themselves could be heads of their own missions movements. There is a humility amongst these "big-name" individuals that boggles the mind sometimes.
So, as IHOP celebrates 12 years of night and day prayer and worship, I say "Happy Birthday" and "well-done, good and faithful servants." May Jesus continue to be the center, the focus, the only one who receives honor and glory, and may those of us blessed enough to be a part of this community in whatever form lead the way in that which is the most significant posture in the Kingdom of God:
12 years of 24/7 and growing. As I watch the web-stream and see the faces of those leading worship today, I see humility.
That has been my experience during my 2+ years of being a part of this missions community. I think that's what prayer does to a heart...causes the humility of Jesus to come alive in it. When Jesus is lifted up and exalted and He becomes and remains the center of everything a 'mission' is about, then the fruit that emerges is good, and one of those fruits is humility.
I'm sure behind the scenes there are probably stories of those who jockey for position, but as I was sharing with a friend today, I'm blown away by the fact that there are tremendous leaders in the body of Christ who have chosen to come under the umbrella of IHOP when they themselves could be heads of their own missions movements. There is a humility amongst these "big-name" individuals that boggles the mind sometimes.
So, as IHOP celebrates 12 years of night and day prayer and worship, I say "Happy Birthday" and "well-done, good and faithful servants." May Jesus continue to be the center, the focus, the only one who receives honor and glory, and may those of us blessed enough to be a part of this community in whatever form lead the way in that which is the most significant posture in the Kingdom of God:
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Beauty in the rain
Friday, September 16, 2011
Being sick is not fun
Well, they say that in marriage, you share everything. Somehow, I thought I was immune to catching my hubby's cold which he brought home from school last week. Nope. Now I am going on day 6 of what started out as a bad head cold and has developed into aches and utter exhaustion. Thankfully, no fever, but it sure has put a damper on the weeks' activities. So far I've missed house church, an evening with friends watching a video, and dinner with friends tonight. Grrrr.
I am finding that even praying is challenging when I feel this poorly. It would be wonderful if I could sleep soundly...then at least I might recover. Lord, break in with your healing.
I am finding that even praying is challenging when I feel this poorly. It would be wonderful if I could sleep soundly...then at least I might recover. Lord, break in with your healing.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
A couple of days ago, I blogged about a verse in 1 Corinthians 4 which struck my heart deeply. (See below) That same day, I read these words a bit further down in verse 20:
"For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power."
I grew up in a church tradition that emphasized the word and The Word. In no way do I speak disparagingly of that tradition because The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. This traditions' emphasis on Jesus is phenomenal and on knowledge of the word of God is priceless. My deep roots in the written word of Truth began in this tradition and I am forever thanking God for the training and love I received through the years from my precious brothers and sisters. As a result of this background, I have been able to navigate the waters of living a Spirit-filled life based in the Truth of the written word.
The verse above, though, continues to push the envelope for many, especially those in denominational backgrounds where manifestations of the power of God were not openly accepted and at times not welcomed. The kingdom of God is about the power of God changing people's lives from the inside out. Jesus, when He walked the earth, walked in power. Indeed, He spoke, He taught, He preached the word; but He WAS THE WORD and walked in the power of His Father and of the Kingdom. So, He touched people and they were healed, He commanded and demons fled, He cried out and one of His best friends was raised from the dead...the list goes on and on.
The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in us believers! Jesus Himself, through the Holy Spirit, lives in each believer! So, not only do we have the Word in us, but we have the power of the kingdom within us. Really, it's a 'both/and' not an 'either/or' as some traditions have labeled themselves: we are this way and that church is that way; or we believe this and they believe that. I look forward to the day when the church is the church that God intended her to be, when the Bride of Christ is moving in word and power as she should, without hindrance and lives are transformed, mind, body, soul and spirit. Let us not limit the power of God.
Friday, September 09, 2011
Thoughts on Scripture
As I sat in morning prayer at the Hartley Institute this morning, the Lord quickened my heart to read 1 Corinthians 4. A couple of verses 'jumped' off the page and into my heart in a new way.
I couldn't read on for a bit after my eyes had been arrested by this verse above. Was the apostle Paul using hyperbole to make a point? Even if he was, the reality of this verse today is striking. In our hyper-connected world through cyber-space and media, we can receive instruction in Christ from nearly any corner of the globe at a click. I often hear people saying (and myself too), "Oh, I listened to this great sermon by 'so and so'...I'll send you the link so you can hear it too!"
We could spend countless hours every day listening to great teachings by great men and women of faith who inspire us, open up the Word of God and challenge us to go higher in the Lord. I'm not criticizing this in any way, but Paul's comment, which is truly prophetic in nature as well, caused me to pause again and ask: WHERE ARE THE FATHERS? I add too: WHERE ARE THE MOTHERS?
Paul himself saw in his day that FATHERS in Christ were lacking; those who would serve in the role of a father to sons and daughters in the body of Christ were few and far between. Today is no different. Teachers appear to be nearly a dime a dozen, but true FATHERS in Christ are a rare breed. Fathers beget sons and daughters (see verse 15b), and then they nurture those sons, they pour out their lives into them, they walk alongside them, love them, encourage them, train them, discipline them, and speak life into them so that they grow up and can be FATHERS to those younger than they are.
Being a father is time-consuming, costly, and an utterly self-less role. It's demanding, can be disappointing, and requires thoughtful, other-centered thinking altogether. Fatherhood also entails complete submission to God as Father and Holy Spirit as teacher coupled with a heart that cries out for grace every moment because the role cannot be lived out with physical stamina or intellectual prowess.
And so my cry today is, "Father God, bring forth Your Fathers in the body! We are in need of more Fathers, not more teachers."
Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog entry on another verse from this chapter.
"For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers." (v.15)
I couldn't read on for a bit after my eyes had been arrested by this verse above. Was the apostle Paul using hyperbole to make a point? Even if he was, the reality of this verse today is striking. In our hyper-connected world through cyber-space and media, we can receive instruction in Christ from nearly any corner of the globe at a click. I often hear people saying (and myself too), "Oh, I listened to this great sermon by 'so and so'...I'll send you the link so you can hear it too!"
We could spend countless hours every day listening to great teachings by great men and women of faith who inspire us, open up the Word of God and challenge us to go higher in the Lord. I'm not criticizing this in any way, but Paul's comment, which is truly prophetic in nature as well, caused me to pause again and ask: WHERE ARE THE FATHERS? I add too: WHERE ARE THE MOTHERS?
Paul himself saw in his day that FATHERS in Christ were lacking; those who would serve in the role of a father to sons and daughters in the body of Christ were few and far between. Today is no different. Teachers appear to be nearly a dime a dozen, but true FATHERS in Christ are a rare breed. Fathers beget sons and daughters (see verse 15b), and then they nurture those sons, they pour out their lives into them, they walk alongside them, love them, encourage them, train them, discipline them, and speak life into them so that they grow up and can be FATHERS to those younger than they are.
Being a father is time-consuming, costly, and an utterly self-less role. It's demanding, can be disappointing, and requires thoughtful, other-centered thinking altogether. Fatherhood also entails complete submission to God as Father and Holy Spirit as teacher coupled with a heart that cries out for grace every moment because the role cannot be lived out with physical stamina or intellectual prowess.
And so my cry today is, "Father God, bring forth Your Fathers in the body! We are in need of more Fathers, not more teachers."
Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog entry on another verse from this chapter.
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Angels of Humility - by Jackie Macgirvin
Along the left column, you can see books I am reading. I just finished Jackie Macgirvin's book, Angels of Humility, a novel published by Destiny Image.
Jackie is a friend of mine, an accomplished author, ghost-writer, and wonderful woman of God. I highly recommend you buy this novel as I believe it will spur you on to consider how very real the unseen realm around us really is.
The story is believable and compelling with many Truths worth considering.
Jackie is a friend of mine, an accomplished author, ghost-writer, and wonderful woman of God. I highly recommend you buy this novel as I believe it will spur you on to consider how very real the unseen realm around us really is.
The story is believable and compelling with many Truths worth considering.
Ha ha ha, I had to laugh. As I was perusing my own blog, I spied the ad for KettleWorx at the bottom of my blog entry.
Paul and I have been doing KettleWorx workouts for 4 weeks now. We love it and are excited to see some results. How ironic that there is an ad on my blog regarding that. Makes me wonder if big brother really is watching!
Paul and I have been doing KettleWorx workouts for 4 weeks now. We love it and are excited to see some results. How ironic that there is an ad on my blog regarding that. Makes me wonder if big brother really is watching!
Monday, September 05, 2011
What we've been up to lately
Paul and I have had a very busy last four months since our wedding in May. Blessings in abundance have abounded as we have worked, traveled, celebrated birthdays of friends, harvested veggies from our garden, started a new business, camped in our backyard, laughed, cried, loved and been loved. Our lives are rich, rich, rich as the Lord has been so very good to us!
Now we are in the throes of school...Paul has begun his first student-teaching assignment teaching 5th graders, and I am engaged in my writing-coaching job online. Two educators in the house makes for a busy year ahead. So as the breezes blow through our home and we enjoy 65 degrees outside this morning, we rejoice in all of God's goodness and blessings.
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Growth. It's either happening or there is stagnation. We have a bean plant that has not done super well this year. Two days ago, I spied a bean on it...then two, and after closer examination, I saw about 7 beans on our plant. Of course I picked them and promptly brought them inside to clean them and include them in the evening meal. Their growth would provide our nutrition for us to give out to others and cause them to grow.
Sometimes cucumbers 'hide' in our garden, and it's not until they are WAY too large that I find them. Above is a picture of one such cucumber...I wear a size 10 in ladies (40 in european sizes). One might think the bigger the better...however, that is not always true. In this case, the cucumber is too large, and it has become bitter. So, it ends up in the compost pile, to be tilled back into the ground for next years' crop. It's overgrowth will provide nutrition for next year's garden growth. While it was inedible, it will be useful in the long run.
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