Friday, April 08, 2011


This is a season of huge change for me. In just 24 days, I will change my name. Whoa! The reality of that hit me this week when Paul and I went to get our marriage license. The woman helping us asked: "So, will you be changing your name?" Out of my mouth came the word: "Yes"...and then it hit me...I'm taking Paul's I've been Arden Jan Campbell for 47+ years and now I will be Arden Campbell Czaszewicz! Whoa! Change is happening in my home as well. Years fact probably 40 years ago, I inherited a beautiful set of china and glassware from my great, great aunt Grace. My parents GENEROUSLY stored it all these years and then shipped it to me recently; my friends and I have been unpacking the boxes and finding places for everything...including displaying the china in a beautiful cabinet I found on craigslist! I am stunned by the beauty of these pieces, and cannot wait to entertain! In addition, my Herend village pottery which I brought from Hungary is now beautifully displayed in my kitchen! Finally, the living room, bedrooms and office space are undergoing radical transformations as well, all with the help of some precious friends of mine here! Change....exciting and challenging all at the same time. Finally, Paul and I are building a larger garden plot, and getting prepared for what will come in the future, not if, but when challenging times hit our land! Oh, and in the midst of all of this, I'm trying to plan a wedding! Needless to say, the stressors have been off the charts of late, and I'm very much looking forward to celebrating with many friends and family very soon, when Paul and I become one! With change in our physical lives, it is amazingly reassuring to know that our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob NEVER changes and is the solid rock upon which I/we can stand, even when everything around us is changing and sometimes being shaken. One of the worship songs the sing quite regularly in the prayer room here has this line: "You are my rock and there is no other, You are my rock!" I thank God that He is the rock, because truly, all else is just shifting sand. :-)

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