Sunday, October 17, 2010

Opportunity to Sow...

Opportunity to sow...
The REAL reason I am writing is to promote my book. Let me be perfectly blunt here! A number of people have read it now and the feedback is super positive. The head of community care here at IHOP and I met last week and he will be adding my book to a list of books for small groups here to consider using in their small groups. This got me thinking about you all out there in various churches and missions groups and the blessing that this book could be to people around you! So, email me back and we can talk about how you want to get your copy (or copies) and how we can get it into the hands of the right people at your church!

A dear friend of mine here who is a Hebrew scholar...not that that has anything to do with reading the book and says, "It's incredible! It might just be because so much of what you are talking about I am walking through right now, but I am being touched by every chapter!" I hope you all know me well enough to know that I am in NO WAY tooting my own horn. I am completely, utterly humbled by the feedback I am receiving. My prayer from the outset was that God would be glorified and that ONE person would come into the Kingdom as a result of reading it. I am also PUSHING it now because in November, I am heading to Hungary..... ....Yep, I am heading back to my second home for a visit which has turned into a MAJOR ministry trip. However, the part connected to my book is this: I want to BLESS the prayer room in Budapest, which started a worship school last fall, with a much needed financial gift. So, every dollar that comes in over and above the $10 cost of the book (plus $3 shipping; retail is $14.99) will go directly to the Budapest prayer room ministry!!! Wouldn't you just LOVE to be a part of sowing into the Kingdom in and through Hungary while receiving a book at the same time?

So, to make a long letter longer, write to me and let's get a copy out to you and bless the nations at the same time! I'm ending my tome here and looking forward to getting a FLOOD of emails from each of you! ha ha ha! Thank you and love you all so much...cuz it's all about Jesus and His Kingdom anyway, right? Always by grace alone, Arden

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