Monday, June 14, 2010

Landscaping is finished! (For now)

Today was a HUGE day! After yet one more trip to Lowe's, then a trip to Mulch Mart, I was hitting it hard today, determined to finish this landscaping project! Yes, it is finished, and I have mulch to spare! I am WIPED out, though, having spent 6.5 hours working straight, and realizing about 5 hours into it that I'd not eaten anything but a fruit smoothie all day! It feels soooo good to be finished! Now for a couple of days of "rest" before heading to Arizona to celebrate my mom's 80th birthday!

The finished product!

Left-over mulch!

Outside the basement egress window! Much nicer than the weeds!

Along the walkway on the side of the house!

I discovered that under this 'stretch' of ground there is old sewer or water tank...anyway, sadly, I cannot plant anything between the rose here and the bush at the other end. The mulch looks good, though!

I'll be excited when the grass grows back around the edges!

Small but beautiful!

Ok, funny thing happened today...I awakened and remembered a prophetic word a friend here had back in November for me. She said, "Arden, I've never gotten this from God before, but He says you are a knock-out!" I laughed. Well, I'd forgotten about that, and the friend who helped me with the landscaping said, "Arden, you need to get knock-out roses...they are easy and beautiful! They are really knock-outs!" It was not until THIS MORNING that the Lord reminded me of the word and lo and behold, I have knock-out roses in my yard! HA HA HA!

The mulch pile before I started mulching!

Work in progress!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh it looks goooood. Enjoy Arizona.

Dana Butler said...

nice job! looks great! you ARE a knock-out! :)