Monday, August 03, 2009

Precious boys

Ethan, just days after having surgery, sitting amongst the dancers!

Silas, a rare moment when he was not laughing and smiling...and when he WAS still and not dancing around! :-)

Ethan, cuddling up with one of his sisters!

What a family!

There is a family here in Kansas City that has recently adopted 3 special needs boys from Ukraine. I've blogged about them before. I have seen pictures on their blog, prayed for these boys, and been excited to finally get here and meet them.

Well, today in the prayer room, I looked up and there was Ethan, being held by one of his older sisters....and then I looked over and in the dance area, there was Silas, dancing away! I just wanted to run up and HUG both of them! I did walk up and introduce myself to Ethan and his sister! The pix are blurry cuz it's not really appropriate to be clicking pictures of people in the prayer room. But this gives you a taste of how these boys are doing! It was amazing to see them dancing and smiling and laughing and LIVING life! A far cry from life back in the orphanage.

Of course this made my heart break thinking about all the other kids who are not adopted...all across this planet. And how in Ukraine, these boys would have been strapped to beds to keep them from hurting themselves, etc. Here they are, dancing and enjoying life to the fullest! Thank you, Lord, for families willing to stretch their tent-pegs wide to adopt children!!! BLESS THEM!

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