I joined the local YMCA today! They give a great deal for those connected to the International House of Prayer, and I really, really need to swim and work out! You see, in January, my 80 year old father and two of my brothers and I will be going to Canada to go helicopter skiing! My dad is treating us all to this amazing trip...and we are all now working hard to get in shape for such strenuous skiing!
Anyway, back to my almost embarrassing moment. I had just finished swimming at the Y, in the deep end across the width of the pool because there was a water aerobics class in the shallow end....and I was heading into the locker room. Being the law-abiding girl that I am, I see a sign that says, "You must completely dry off before going in the locker room." I would generally ignore it, or dry off some, but here was a class of 35 senior citizens watching me...so, I dried of some more and then started to go in the locker room. About 1/2 the class started yelling at me...."No, No, that's the men's locker room!" Sure enough, I was half-way through the door....oops. I turned and said, "Thanks! THAT would have been embarrassing!"....and then sheepishly made my way to the ladies locker room door. Ah, the joys of being in a new place. I guess I could say I'm a foreigner and can't read English??? Naw....
Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I just "borrowed" this from a friend's Twitter.....
THIS is both sad and frightening!
$45 billion spent in 2008 in the U.S. on....water crisis? No. Aids? No. Stopping human traffiking? No. On pets? Yes...........
$45 billion spent in 2008 in the U.S. on....water crisis? No. Aids? No. Stopping human traffiking? No. On pets? Yes...........
Random pix
As I sat in the prayer room the other day, I got these thoughts:
"When faced with the unknown, do we retreat to that which is familiar instead of stepping out in faith and believing that He will give us everything we need? O Lord, don't ever let me return to Egypt---it was comfortable, familiar, and I can even imagine that You were there too. You were there, but You never want to leave us where we are, but rather take us to new places where comfort is of the least concern. Your glory is the only concern. Don't let me settle for crumbs when You want to give me a banquet!"
"When faced with the unknown, do we retreat to that which is familiar instead of stepping out in faith and believing that He will give us everything we need? O Lord, don't ever let me return to Egypt---it was comfortable, familiar, and I can even imagine that You were there too. You were there, but You never want to leave us where we are, but rather take us to new places where comfort is of the least concern. Your glory is the only concern. Don't let me settle for crumbs when You want to give me a banquet!"
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Some of the fam
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
my friend, Pepus
I am blessed with many friends. One stands out right now cuz she is my first "real" visitor here in my new home in Kansas City! Pepus...aka...Szabo-Gillinger Eszter. Someone asked us last night how long we've known each other....18 years!
I'm so thankful for her...for a zillion reasons...too many to start listing! This is her first trip to the U.S. and we're trying to make it a good one!
I'm mostly thankful that she is one who will stand by me no matter what...and will forgive no matter what...and will make sure to keep unity in the Holy Spirit, no matter what. That is a true friend!
I'm so thankful for her...for a zillion reasons...too many to start listing! This is her first trip to the U.S. and we're trying to make it a good one!
I'm mostly thankful that she is one who will stand by me no matter what...and will forgive no matter what...and will make sure to keep unity in the Holy Spirit, no matter what. That is a true friend!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Travel favor and blessing...
Well, after nearly losing my cat Toby yesterday, we really prayed the blood of Jesus over everything and everyone! His grace abounds, and our travels were so very blessed, and God gave us such favor.
First, when you travel with pets, you have to take them out of their carriers to go through security. We prayed that we would not have to do this since both Toby and Simon were very nervous and would have gone wild had we taken them out in Budapest. The woman said I could bring them through and they "wanded" them! Hallelujah!
Second, on the long flight to Washington, we were able to put the cats behind our seats....we sat in the last row of the airplane, where they could feel very secure and we were given leg room!
Third, in DC, the woman at the United counter called and asked 'operations' if we could take BOTH cats IN the cabin on the DC to Kansas City flight. I thought I would have to put ONE of them underneath the plane in the pet area...but God gave us favor again and both were on the plane with me and Eszter!!! This was a HUGE blessing after 20 hours of travel already, and we sat on the tarmac for an hour!
Fourth, we prayed again that we would not have to take the boys out of their bags going through security in DC, but the woman refused...we had to take them out. Well, it just so happened that for those 10 minutes or so, BOTH Toby and Simon were EXTREMELY mellow and 100% cooperative.....they did GREAT coming out of their bags and then going back in. 10 minutes after that, Toby was again meowing and wanting out.
Fifth, we ran into old and good friends from Charlottesville, the Gilliams, who were on their way to Ireland, while going through security in DC. This allowed me to take one cat through security while leaving Eszter on the other side with the other cat and carry-on bags....and then I left the first cat with the Gilliams while going back to carry the other cat through! Blessings!!!!
Sixth, ALL of our luggage arrived!
Seventh, my precious renter from downstairs, came and picked us up at the airport and brought us home!
Eighth....nearly forgot...the woman at United check-in asked if we had just come from an international flight...and when we said yes, she waived the baggage fees for all of our luggage!!!
I'm sure there were other things....we were simply amazed by God's gracious hand during this journey! Thanks for the prayers!
First, when you travel with pets, you have to take them out of their carriers to go through security. We prayed that we would not have to do this since both Toby and Simon were very nervous and would have gone wild had we taken them out in Budapest. The woman said I could bring them through and they "wanded" them! Hallelujah!
Second, on the long flight to Washington, we were able to put the cats behind our seats....we sat in the last row of the airplane, where they could feel very secure and we were given leg room!
Third, in DC, the woman at the United counter called and asked 'operations' if we could take BOTH cats IN the cabin on the DC to Kansas City flight. I thought I would have to put ONE of them underneath the plane in the pet area...but God gave us favor again and both were on the plane with me and Eszter!!! This was a HUGE blessing after 20 hours of travel already, and we sat on the tarmac for an hour!
Fourth, we prayed again that we would not have to take the boys out of their bags going through security in DC, but the woman refused...we had to take them out. Well, it just so happened that for those 10 minutes or so, BOTH Toby and Simon were EXTREMELY mellow and 100% cooperative.....they did GREAT coming out of their bags and then going back in. 10 minutes after that, Toby was again meowing and wanting out.
Fifth, we ran into old and good friends from Charlottesville, the Gilliams, who were on their way to Ireland, while going through security in DC. This allowed me to take one cat through security while leaving Eszter on the other side with the other cat and carry-on bags....and then I left the first cat with the Gilliams while going back to carry the other cat through! Blessings!!!!
Sixth, ALL of our luggage arrived!
Seventh, my precious renter from downstairs, came and picked us up at the airport and brought us home!
Eighth....nearly forgot...the woman at United check-in asked if we had just come from an international flight...and when we said yes, she waived the baggage fees for all of our luggage!!!
I'm sure there were other things....we were simply amazed by God's gracious hand during this journey! Thanks for the prayers!
A sad day....
When I arrived back in the U.S. yesterday, I had a voicemail message from my father. He said my Aunt Jean was in hospice and only had a day or two to live. I called my dad, and about a 1/2 hour after that message, he got a call from hospice saying she had died.
I really hate cancer....
I really hate cancer....
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Near death.....
Nice blog title, huh? Well, I nearly lost one of my cats...to death that is. Yep, Wednesday morning, after giving Toby the sedative medicine the vet gave me for them to travel, Toby collapsed, went stiff in his legs, stopped breathing and his heart stopped!!! My neighbor Kati began massaging his chest and calling out to him to wake up...I thought the medicine was just kicking in, til I looked over at Simon and he was perfectly fine...and then I picked Toby up and realized he was no longer alive...talk about scary. I prayed, shook him a bit, massaged his chest and stomach, called his name...and he woke up! Omigosh, what a scare! Well, this set the tone for the trip....I didn't sleep at all and was very concerned about Toby the entire trip back to the U.S.
Well, that was the last and worst thing to happen because we made it here just fine with much favor from the Lord.
And right now, Toby is wandering around his new house, after having eaten and gone to the bathroom in his litter box....I think he's going to be ok. Now, will his 'mom' be ok????
Simon traveled well......and is curled up in my closet in the corner behind the laundry basket.
More travel adventures tomorrow after I sleep! Whew, 26 hours of travel...........with cats...........wow.
Well, that was the last and worst thing to happen because we made it here just fine with much favor from the Lord.
And right now, Toby is wandering around his new house, after having eaten and gone to the bathroom in his litter box....I think he's going to be ok. Now, will his 'mom' be ok????
Simon traveled well......and is curled up in my closet in the corner behind the laundry basket.
More travel adventures tomorrow after I sleep! Whew, 26 hours of travel...........with cats...........wow.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Packing, saying see you laters and loading up the cats
I'm in the home-stretch now of my time in Hungary. Wow. Feels strange, but at the same time, good and right.
Now the most difficult goodbye for sure...my neighbor, Kati. She is a precious friend who has been God's gift to me all these years. Not only did she watch my cats for me over the course of 9 years every time I travelled, but also brought me food, and was just the BEST neighbor ever. I'm very sad to leave her...and she is very sad I'm leaving and taking Toby and Simon with me. However, she already has 3 other "replacement" cats hanging out in her garage. :-)
I pray for Kati and will continue to do so...she is a JW and pretty entrenched there...may the love and truth of the Lord meet her where she is and draw her to Himself with grace, truth, mercy and love!
Tomorrow at 5:15 a.m., I will be giving Toby and Simon their "calming medicine" for the trip...I pray it lasts long enough to get them to Kansas City....join me please in praying! It's so strange that they have NO idea what awaits them tomorrow. But in reality, do WE really know what awaits us tomorrow? We THINK we do...we have plans...appointments...calls to make, work to do, friends to meet....but everything could change in a heartbeat...which makes me ask myself, and you few blog readers, how are you living today? Are you blessing those around you? Are you praying for those whom the Lord brings to your mind and heart? Are you loving those who come across your path, no matter who they may be? I'm asking myself these questions too, don't worry. May we live each day as if tomorrow may not ever come...or may be drastically different than today. Each day is a gift from the Lord....so I'm going home now from the internet cafe to spend some time with Kati.
Now the most difficult goodbye for sure...my neighbor, Kati. She is a precious friend who has been God's gift to me all these years. Not only did she watch my cats for me over the course of 9 years every time I travelled, but also brought me food, and was just the BEST neighbor ever. I'm very sad to leave her...and she is very sad I'm leaving and taking Toby and Simon with me. However, she already has 3 other "replacement" cats hanging out in her garage. :-)
I pray for Kati and will continue to do so...she is a JW and pretty entrenched there...may the love and truth of the Lord meet her where she is and draw her to Himself with grace, truth, mercy and love!
Tomorrow at 5:15 a.m., I will be giving Toby and Simon their "calming medicine" for the trip...I pray it lasts long enough to get them to Kansas City....join me please in praying! It's so strange that they have NO idea what awaits them tomorrow. But in reality, do WE really know what awaits us tomorrow? We THINK we do...we have plans...appointments...calls to make, work to do, friends to meet....but everything could change in a heartbeat...which makes me ask myself, and you few blog readers, how are you living today? Are you blessing those around you? Are you praying for those whom the Lord brings to your mind and heart? Are you loving those who come across your path, no matter who they may be? I'm asking myself these questions too, don't worry. May we live each day as if tomorrow may not ever come...or may be drastically different than today. Each day is a gift from the Lord....so I'm going home now from the internet cafe to spend some time with Kati.
Dear, precious friends
My 30-somethings Bible study women and their families and I had a (G)arden party last evening! We tried to have one in the spring, but all of our schedules were so packed it never worked out. I'm glad it didn't.
This party was awesome...fun, laid-back, great weather, wonderful food, fantastic friends, laughter, sport and of course a couple of tears at the end, saying "see you later".
I've written about these women...two of the three were my students here in Hungary way back in the early 1990s...all three came to Bible studies back then....upon my return to Hungary in 2000, we started meeting for Bible study again. We've been going strong for 9 years, and they are continuing themselves!
Back to the party...I got to play soccer with the kids, and some of the adults...Tamas and Peter....both young boys now ages 4 and 6, were both healed in their mothers' wombs miraculously! It's so much fun to see them so full of love, life and energy!!! I taught all the kids how to say, "I love you!" in English and so at the end, it was a long, drawn out goodbye with lots of English "I love you"s being spoken to one another!
This trip has been such a blessing for me...thank you to those of you who made it possible through your support! This has been a very good week of closure on my 9 years spent in Hungary. :-)
This party was awesome...fun, laid-back, great weather, wonderful food, fantastic friends, laughter, sport and of course a couple of tears at the end, saying "see you later".
I've written about these women...two of the three were my students here in Hungary way back in the early 1990s...all three came to Bible studies back then....upon my return to Hungary in 2000, we started meeting for Bible study again. We've been going strong for 9 years, and they are continuing themselves!
Back to the party...I got to play soccer with the kids, and some of the adults...Tamas and Peter....both young boys now ages 4 and 6, were both healed in their mothers' wombs miraculously! It's so much fun to see them so full of love, life and energy!!! I taught all the kids how to say, "I love you!" in English and so at the end, it was a long, drawn out goodbye with lots of English "I love you"s being spoken to one another!
This trip has been such a blessing for me...thank you to those of you who made it possible through your support! This has been a very good week of closure on my 9 years spent in Hungary. :-)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Overflowing with joy and completely humbled
These are times when I wish I could put a picture on this blog.
Laci....Albert Laci...my friend, a precious young man of God who I met when he was growing up in a children's home here in Szeged, Hungary. I've written about him before, but bear with me because I know this post will bless you.
I got 30 minutes with Laci yesterday...the most life-challenging 30 minutes I've had in a LONG time. History: When I first met Laci in the children's home, he was 15, sporting a purple mohawk and pretty strung out on drugs. My thought was: "he'll never be interested in Jesus."
God's ways are COMPLETELY different than ours...I repent for ever thinking that someone is beyond God's reach. Not only did God grab a hold of Laci, but really, he is the ONLY one from the children's home who is running HARD after God now!
I've written before...he is serving on the worship team in his church, he is passionate about prayer and worship and evangelism.
Yesterday, I met with him and some friends for ice cream...but Laci is fasting, so he just had something to drink....he started seriously fasting on a regular basis about 3 months ago. His life is being radically transformed. God is downloading revelation to him every day. He is FULL of the fire of God and it is evident in his eyes! He will start a 21-day Daniel fast the first of September. I sat there humbled by this young man so passionate to draw closer to Jesus. But what he shared with me next humbled me even more...
"When I fast, I take the food I get at this place I go to eat and take it to the homeless guys at Mars square...and I also take the money I would spend for meals and go buy food for those who really need it. I also sit in Mars square or in the park and read my Bible and pray and God just fills me up with His fire, and then people come up and I get to tell them about Jesus! God is showing me that it's all about GIVING....He calls us to give! He's blessed me with a job now and a place to live and now I'm in a position in my life where I can give instead of just receive."
Needless to say, I had a pit in my stomach...conviction from the Holy Spirit...in a time when economies are collapsing and some people are saving and keeping things for themselves, here is a 25 year old young man who so much has the heart of God beating in him and through him that all he wants to do is GIVE, GIVE, GIVE.
Laci....Albert Laci...my friend, a precious young man of God who I met when he was growing up in a children's home here in Szeged, Hungary. I've written about him before, but bear with me because I know this post will bless you.
I got 30 minutes with Laci yesterday...the most life-challenging 30 minutes I've had in a LONG time. History: When I first met Laci in the children's home, he was 15, sporting a purple mohawk and pretty strung out on drugs. My thought was: "he'll never be interested in Jesus."
God's ways are COMPLETELY different than ours...I repent for ever thinking that someone is beyond God's reach. Not only did God grab a hold of Laci, but really, he is the ONLY one from the children's home who is running HARD after God now!
I've written before...he is serving on the worship team in his church, he is passionate about prayer and worship and evangelism.
Yesterday, I met with him and some friends for ice cream...but Laci is fasting, so he just had something to drink....he started seriously fasting on a regular basis about 3 months ago. His life is being radically transformed. God is downloading revelation to him every day. He is FULL of the fire of God and it is evident in his eyes! He will start a 21-day Daniel fast the first of September. I sat there humbled by this young man so passionate to draw closer to Jesus. But what he shared with me next humbled me even more...
"When I fast, I take the food I get at this place I go to eat and take it to the homeless guys at Mars square...and I also take the money I would spend for meals and go buy food for those who really need it. I also sit in Mars square or in the park and read my Bible and pray and God just fills me up with His fire, and then people come up and I get to tell them about Jesus! God is showing me that it's all about GIVING....He calls us to give! He's blessed me with a job now and a place to live and now I'm in a position in my life where I can give instead of just receive."
Needless to say, I had a pit in my stomach...conviction from the Holy Spirit...in a time when economies are collapsing and some people are saving and keeping things for themselves, here is a 25 year old young man who so much has the heart of God beating in him and through him that all he wants to do is GIVE, GIVE, GIVE.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Wedding in Sweden
Just call me the traveling queen! I arrived this afternoon in Szeged from Sweden, where I attended Erik and Sara's wedding! I will post pictures here once I get back to the U.S....no laptop, sorry.
Was fun to be in Sweden...I wondered why I arrived so early...Friday morning...and now I know. I spent the day with about 5 other people working in the kitchen and the reception area getting things prepared for the wedding reception. I and another woman became experts at making wild-flower center pieces for tables. Various other tasks included making the gravy sauce for the lamb, as well as other jobs which popped up throughout the day! It was a fun way to be involved in the wedding of two dear, precious friends!
The bride was beautiful...as always...and the groom calm, cool and collected.
I learned a LOT about Swedish culture and people and am most impressed by the fact that EVERYONE speaks English fluently!
It wasn't until after midnight that I understood that Sara and Erik BOTH have a new last name....right now, I cannot remember what it is, but I have the program, so I will post it later.
Now back in Szeged for 2 and a half days and will be flying with cats and Eszter to the U.S. on Wednesday. Blitz trip, but worth it!
Was fun to be in Sweden...I wondered why I arrived so early...Friday morning...and now I know. I spent the day with about 5 other people working in the kitchen and the reception area getting things prepared for the wedding reception. I and another woman became experts at making wild-flower center pieces for tables. Various other tasks included making the gravy sauce for the lamb, as well as other jobs which popped up throughout the day! It was a fun way to be involved in the wedding of two dear, precious friends!
The bride was beautiful...as always...and the groom calm, cool and collected.
I learned a LOT about Swedish culture and people and am most impressed by the fact that EVERYONE speaks English fluently!
It wasn't until after midnight that I understood that Sara and Erik BOTH have a new last name....right now, I cannot remember what it is, but I have the program, so I will post it later.
Now back in Szeged for 2 and a half days and will be flying with cats and Eszter to the U.S. on Wednesday. Blitz trip, but worth it!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
In Hungary....and on my way to Sweden
Traveled to Hungary without incident...oops, I take that back. I arrived at Dulles in plenty of time to catch my plane only to discover that my flight had been cancelled! I was booked on a later flight, however that would not have gotten me to New York in time to make my connection...so, I got a voucher from Delta...God bless Delta....for a taxi to Washington National Airport, where I got on an earlier flight. Made it to Hungary as did my bag, hallelujah, and my good friend Barb was there to pick me up and bring me to Szeged.
After greeting my cats, who had not yet forgotten me, and then lunch with Barb, I took a quick nap, then the fun began...in the past 24 hours, I have seen 17 friends, gotten my hair cut and colored, had a facial and a pedicure, and taken my cats to the vet to get their last shots and teeth cleaned before the big journey next week! Whew!
Now I'm packed and ready to head to the train station to visit more friends in Budapest for the night, then to Sweden for a wedding on Saturday!
It was an interesting night with a family in the next building SCREAMING for 2 hours starting at about 11 p.m....not pretty and I think someone finally called the police. However, I did get a good night's sleep and am not suffering from too much jet-lag! Thank you Jesus!
It's good to be back in Hungary...walking everywhere, enjoying the familiar sights and sounds...but it's also time to leave. The strangest thing happened today...at the vet, when everything was finished and we were saying goodbye, I got REALLY sad and choked up. Tears formed in my eyes and one of the vets also had to turn away...tears. I was surprised I would cry having to say bye to my vets...but I realize they have taken such good care of me and my boys for 9 years...I'm thankful for them!
Sorry no pictures....don't have my laptop with me...am in an internet cafe....so blog readers will have to wait til I get back to the U.S. to see pix! :-)
Off to get my train ticket, some dinner and then to Budapest.
After greeting my cats, who had not yet forgotten me, and then lunch with Barb, I took a quick nap, then the fun began...in the past 24 hours, I have seen 17 friends, gotten my hair cut and colored, had a facial and a pedicure, and taken my cats to the vet to get their last shots and teeth cleaned before the big journey next week! Whew!
Now I'm packed and ready to head to the train station to visit more friends in Budapest for the night, then to Sweden for a wedding on Saturday!
It was an interesting night with a family in the next building SCREAMING for 2 hours starting at about 11 p.m....not pretty and I think someone finally called the police. However, I did get a good night's sleep and am not suffering from too much jet-lag! Thank you Jesus!
It's good to be back in Hungary...walking everywhere, enjoying the familiar sights and sounds...but it's also time to leave. The strangest thing happened today...at the vet, when everything was finished and we were saying goodbye, I got REALLY sad and choked up. Tears formed in my eyes and one of the vets also had to turn away...tears. I was surprised I would cry having to say bye to my vets...but I realize they have taken such good care of me and my boys for 9 years...I'm thankful for them!
Sorry no pictures....don't have my laptop with me...am in an internet cafe....so blog readers will have to wait til I get back to the U.S. to see pix! :-)
Off to get my train ticket, some dinner and then to Budapest.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
The right tools....
I was sort of dreading today. Today was the day I wanted to get out and raise the wheels on the lawnmower so I could cut the grass before leaving for Hungary. You see, I was thrifty and bought the least expensive mower, which does NOT have self-adjusting wheels. So, the thought of trying to unscrew the bolts, etc., was not a happy thought.
However, I had thought ahead and bought some tools. The right tools. It took me about 10 minutes to change all four wheels! It was easy! That made my mood for cutting grass all the better! And, the grass now looks a BIT more normal...one more cut and all evidence of stripes should be gone! :-)
Having the right tools for a job is essential. The bolts weren't stripped. The task was made easy, and might I say, even enjoyable?
Having the right tools....the right tools.......are there tools in our lives with Jesus? I believe there are. Some folks might believe there are many tools. I think, however, there are two: the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
You see, the Holy Spirit is fully God, and Jesus said that He would send the Counselor (Holy Spirit) to remind us of everything Jesus taught us and lead us into ALL TRUTH!
So, the Holy Spirit is an essential tool...without Holy Spirit, we cannot know Truth, and with the Word of God, we can be sure that the voice we are hearing is indeed the Holy Spirit because that voice will never contradict the Word of God.
Two tools. Essential. Necessary. And amazingly, both are gifts of grace from God Himself.
However, I had thought ahead and bought some tools. The right tools. It took me about 10 minutes to change all four wheels! It was easy! That made my mood for cutting grass all the better! And, the grass now looks a BIT more normal...one more cut and all evidence of stripes should be gone! :-)
Having the right tools for a job is essential. The bolts weren't stripped. The task was made easy, and might I say, even enjoyable?
Having the right tools....the right tools.......are there tools in our lives with Jesus? I believe there are. Some folks might believe there are many tools. I think, however, there are two: the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
You see, the Holy Spirit is fully God, and Jesus said that He would send the Counselor (Holy Spirit) to remind us of everything Jesus taught us and lead us into ALL TRUTH!
So, the Holy Spirit is an essential tool...without Holy Spirit, we cannot know Truth, and with the Word of God, we can be sure that the voice we are hearing is indeed the Holy Spirit because that voice will never contradict the Word of God.
Two tools. Essential. Necessary. And amazingly, both are gifts of grace from God Himself.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Let the children come to Me....
One of the neatest things I've seen yet at IHOP is parents bringing their small children in to the prayer room and watching them just thrive in the presence of the Lord in worship and prayer! Some babies sleep, others sit quietly, and still others dance! I took a video of a little girl today, who can't yet walk, but she pulled herself up on a post and held on and danced! I'll try to upload it tomorrow!
Jesus said, "Let the children come to Me...."
It's great to see the broad spectrum of ages praying and worshiping together...and especially the little children...
Jesus said, "Let the children come to Me...."
It's great to see the broad spectrum of ages praying and worshiping together...and especially the little children...
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Speaking life while facing illness
My Aunt Jean was given 2 weeks to live two and a half years ago. Cancer. She received treatment, and some of it was really rough...now they can't treat her anymore...or at least that's what her doctor and favorite nurse have said. They've "discharged" her, given her pain pills and sent her home.
This is hard...this is family...yes, we are born, we live and then we leave this world for the next. It's the way she is leaving that is hard...when you wake up in the morning wondering just how many days you have left because you know it is quite possibly a matter of days, maybe weeks.
I hate cancer. It was NOT a part of God's design. It is NOT what God intended, and so up to the end, I will speak life over my aunt. I will speak the blood of Jesus over my aunt. I will speak mercy, grace and the peace of Jesus Christ over my aunt. God truly is our only hope and the only true healer of minds, bodies, souls and spirits, through the blood of Jesus Christ.
I'm sad..........more for her daughters and for my dad, who is her last remaining sibling. But, she's also had a great life...so I celebrate Aunt Jean and continue to pray for complete healing, mind, body, soul and spirit in Jesus' name for His glory alone. Amen!
This is hard...this is family...yes, we are born, we live and then we leave this world for the next. It's the way she is leaving that is hard...when you wake up in the morning wondering just how many days you have left because you know it is quite possibly a matter of days, maybe weeks.
I hate cancer. It was NOT a part of God's design. It is NOT what God intended, and so up to the end, I will speak life over my aunt. I will speak the blood of Jesus over my aunt. I will speak mercy, grace and the peace of Jesus Christ over my aunt. God truly is our only hope and the only true healer of minds, bodies, souls and spirits, through the blood of Jesus Christ.
I'm sad..........more for her daughters and for my dad, who is her last remaining sibling. But, she's also had a great life...so I celebrate Aunt Jean and continue to pray for complete healing, mind, body, soul and spirit in Jesus' name for His glory alone. Amen!
Monday, August 03, 2009
New car

I keep forgetting to take pictures of my new car! Well, here it is....yes, in the garage...sorry. Maybe I'll post outdoor pix tomorrow. I need a name for it...my one in Hungary was called "Jazzie"...thanks MJ....but since this is a Honda Fit, I really don't think "Fittie" is a good name. Any name suggestions?
Precious boys
Ethan, just days after having surgery, sitting amongst the dancers!
Silas, a rare moment when he was not laughing and smiling...and when he WAS still and not dancing around! :-)

What a family!

What a family!

There is a family here in Kansas City that has recently adopted 3 special needs boys from Ukraine. I've blogged about them before. I have seen pictures on their blog, prayed for these boys, and been excited to finally get here and meet them.
Well, today in the prayer room, I looked up and there was Ethan, being held by one of his older sisters....and then I looked over and in the dance area, there was Silas, dancing away! I just wanted to run up and HUG both of them! I did walk up and introduce myself to Ethan and his sister! The pix are blurry cuz it's not really appropriate to be clicking pictures of people in the prayer room. But this gives you a taste of how these boys are doing! It was amazing to see them dancing and smiling and laughing and LIVING life! A far cry from life back in the orphanage.
Of course this made my heart break thinking about all the other kids who are not adopted...all across this planet. And how in Ukraine, these boys would have been strapped to beds to keep them from hurting themselves, etc. Here they are, dancing and enjoying life to the fullest! Thank you, Lord, for families willing to stretch their tent-pegs wide to adopt children!!! BLESS THEM!
Saturday, August 01, 2009
International House of Prayer
3 years ago was my first trip to Kansas City and to IHOP. The prayer room at that time at the missions base was rarely full....it was always easy to find a seat....always easy to choose where you wanted to sit in the room.
Now, in 2009, the room is always full...finding a place is usually challenging....
I look around the room and I see all of these people, many, many of whom are in their 20s, earnestly and with open hearts seeking the Lord, praying, reading their Bibles, journaling, worshiping with arms raised or just sitting and soaking in the presence of the Lord.
This weekend is a weekend for high schoolers....hundreds from all over the nation have come. May they leave changed by the Spirit of God, more in love with Him and ready to make Him known in their schools back home!
Now, in 2009, the room is always full...finding a place is usually challenging....
I look around the room and I see all of these people, many, many of whom are in their 20s, earnestly and with open hearts seeking the Lord, praying, reading their Bibles, journaling, worshiping with arms raised or just sitting and soaking in the presence of the Lord.
This weekend is a weekend for high schoolers....hundreds from all over the nation have come. May they leave changed by the Spirit of God, more in love with Him and ready to make Him known in their schools back home!
Ah the joys of homeownership!
Welcome back to America! Yesterday afternoon, the AC compressor died. What does that mean? Well, if it is under warranty (unlikely), new compressor. If not, either buy a new compressor or a whole new AC unit. Yikes! Homeownership has its pitfalls...but my God is the GREAT provider and He alone knows all that we need before we even need it.
Look at the birds of the air...they neither sow nor store away in barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them...
Look at the lilies of the field...they neither toil nor spin, yet they are clothed more beautifully than kings in palaces.....by my heavenly Father!
Trust Me, says the Lord...to provide for everything!
Look at the birds of the air...they neither sow nor store away in barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them...
Look at the lilies of the field...they neither toil nor spin, yet they are clothed more beautifully than kings in palaces.....by my heavenly Father!
Trust Me, says the Lord...to provide for everything!
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