Sunday, July 05, 2009

U-haul day!

This picture is actually AFTER moving stuff. We just HAD to get Dunkin Donuts coffee and a donut as a 'reward'! Thanks Kathy and Cynnie for the treat! And Pepus, yes, we will find a Dunkin Donuts, cuz this is truly an American thing to do!

The three strong ladies who helped. Not pictured, Bobby, who stored MANY of my belongings in his basement during my 9 years in Hungary! Bless him!

Lynn was the "organize the truck person"....determining HOW to pack things in the truck!

Cynnie and Kathy hauling the dolly full of heavy boxes up from Bobby's basement to the truck!

Kathy noticed the hilarious picture on the side of the U-haul....Wally the Walrus...we named him, so Wally will be travelling to Kansas City, MO in another day or so! :-) Pictured are Kathy, Cynnie, Bobby and Lynn!

Today I drove a U-haul truck many, many miles to pick up many worldly belongings from many different places! Of course, it rained today...but thankfully, during the times when we were loading things, it seemed the rain just stopped for a few moments! Thank you, Lord!

I'm overwhelmed with the love and generosity of friends here. I'm not very good at "receiving"...but God is stretching me in this area as people just keep giving and giving and giving and giving and giving...may ALL of them be blessed in abundance for their loving gifts of time, effort, muscles, money, gifts and LOVE!

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