When I saw this flower, I first wanted to pass it by. But then I thought that it looked rather intriguing. Here was a flower, near many others which were fully open in bloom, but this one remained shut.
There's a reason for this....
I have no idea what that reason is....
However, whatever that reason is, I have to accept it. I cannot change the situation. Oh, I could walk over and 'force' the bloom open, but it would look strange, and I'll bet the flower would eventually die as a result of not being left to run its natural course.
Are we willing to let people whom God is working on stay in the Father's hand and allow Him to open them up in His perfect time?
Maybe they are not so 'beautiful' right now in some ways (not speaking physically here, but behaviorally), but can we let them unfold as God desires instead of what we think is the proper and right timing?
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