The power of words is more profound than, I believe, any of us can ever imagine. In the book of James in the Bible...have a look at it sometime....James compares the tongue to the rudder of a ship. A small object which can steer the entire ship. Throughout the Bible one can read about how the words that proceed from our mouth are a clear indication of what is TRULY in our hearts. Our words are the fruit of the "tree" which is our heart.
So, it naturally follows that if bitter words are coming forth, then there is a bitter root from which those words are flowing. If loving words flow out, then a heart of love has taken root. If lustful words pour forth, then a root of lust is producing that fruit.
Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruit."
Paul, in Galatians, lists the fruit of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit.
"Create in me a clean heart O God..." is the cry of my heart today, so that not one bitter or fleshly root remains and my words are life-giving, life-producing, and filled with the Spirit of the living God!
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