In my prayer letters, I regularly make reference to my 30-somethings Bible study women! Well, it's been a long time since we got a picture of the four of us together, but two weeks ago, Edith Bond came to Szeged to do a special teaching, and we remembered, at the end, to have her take a picture of us!
These women are extremely special to me. Eszter, far left, is a linguistics and English professor at the university here in Szeged, and she and I do inner healing and deliverance ministry together. Anita, to my left, is a professor in the economics department at the university, and is currently on maternity leave, expecting her second child. Gabi, on the far right, is a lawyer and a mother of 3 children. We have been through thick and thin together. Both Gabi and Anita experienced God's healing power as He healed their babies in their wombs!
Just to show you how far back we go, I taught both Eszter and Anita when they were in high school! They graduated in 1993! Gabi was in their class, but not in my English conversation group. All three of them attended Bible studies my teammates from ESI and I held in our flat from 1991-1993. When I returned to Szeged in 2000, these ladies and I started meeting for Bible study again, and God has grown all of us by leaps and bounds...by His grace!
These women are true sisters in Christ, as we bear with one another and forgive one another just as Christ has forgiven us...and we love one another with His love! What a treasure we have in Him and in each other!