Sunday, December 02, 2007

More from the Sacred Romance

I finally finished The Sacred Romance. Good book...a bit wordy, but I was able to dig through that to find some neat kernels which hit my heart in particular at this point in my journey.

"Satan's seduction of our heart always comes in the form of a story that offers us greater control through knowing good and evil rather than the unknowns of relationship."

"Not realizing it is a journey of the heart that is called for, we make a crucial mistake. We come to a place in our spiritual life where we hear God calling us. we know he is calling us to give up the less-wild lovers that have become so much a part of our identity, embrace our nakedness, and trust in his goodness."

"Whatever the object of our addiction is, it attaches itself to our intense desire for eternal and intimate communion with God and each other in the midst of Paradise---the desire that Jesus himself placed in us before the beginning of the world. Nothing less than this kind of unfallen communion will ever satisfy our desire or allow it to drink freely without imprisoning it and us."

"Our lovers have so intertwined themselves with our identity that to give them up feels like personal death. Indeed, they have kept us from knowing the emptiness of our heart's cup. We wonder if it is possible to survive without them.....
But we who would be born again indeed,
Must wake our souls unnumbered times a day
And urge ourselves to life with holy greed.
Now open our bosoms to the wind's free play,
And now, with patience forceful, hard, lie still
Submiss and ready to the making will,
Athirst and empty, for God's breath to fill."

Any thoughts out there????


Anonymous said...

I think it's hard when our "lovers" or addictions really are good things...they're just not THE good thing. It's not always easy to discern when "good things" in our lives have become an addiction that is interfering with our communion with God.

Arden Campbell Czaszewicz said...

You are right. The only way I can determine that is if those "good things" become the first thing I look to when I am feeling down, lonely, and any other negative thing, or even when I am on a "high" or something positive I look to "share that" with a particular person BEFORE I share it with God? This is what God is showing me about "good things" becoming an addiction.