Sunday, July 08, 2007

Celebrating the 4th of July!

Independence Day! Red, white and blue is everywhere! Flags are flying, patriotic songs are playing, people are having cookouts, and of course, when darkness falls, the fireworks begin! I was blessed to be able to have a front-row seat, along with about 50 other people, in the yard of a wonderful couple who "open" their yard on the 4th to those who want to come and have a "perfect" view of the fireworks! I didn't try to capture the fireworks, but I did capture the home-grown ones we set off around the yard! It's a real community affair as we were offered frozen Snickers bars, and everyone got a glow-stick! I was taking a picture of myself and my friend Jeannette and at the last second raised my glow-stick so it too could be in the picture! Well, as you can see, it looks like it is straight up her nose!! I couldn't get that pose again if I tried! I could fill this blog with lots of thoughts about freedom and independence, but instead, I'll just let it remain as is...a report on my summer fun!

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