Saturday, June 23, 2007


One of the most wonderful traditions here in Hungary is the end of the year banquet for each senior class following their oral final exams. My 12a bilingual class, whom I taught for 4 years, finished their exams today, and their banquet was tonight at a local restaurant. Teachers are invited, and it is a great time to hang out with the students as well as colleagues and enjoy good food and conversation.
One of my most challenging boys approached me about 2 hours into the evening and hesitatingly began to speak with me. He wanted to say "thank you"...but for him, this was really challenging, because he knows he was extremely challenging all four years for me. He paid me one of the highest compliments I've ever received in 17 years of teaching. "Miss Campbell, you were the most patient teacher I've ever had, and I want to thank you for being patient with me." I could only thank the Lord for the patience I obviously showed him because his behavior would have reaped the "wrath" of many a teacher, and I know there were days when I was extremely impatient with this young man. I'm not kidding when I say he probably did about 10% of his homework for me over 4 years...and every time, I reprimanded him. But, somehow, through it all, he saw patience. Wow. That has to be God!
While I'm really looking forward to the next two banquets next week, this one will forever be etched in my memory because of this conversation with this young man.

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