Saturday, May 05, 2007

Movie nite/sleepover

Girls and guys enjoyed a LONG movie night....3 films....and the girls enjoyed a sleepover at my flat! Those who came are part of the high school/university Bible study I've had in my home for 6 years now. God has grown us in numbers and nationalities, and it was fun to look around the room on movie night and count 5 different nationalities represented!

One young lady who has recently joined our group is named "Rudy"...that's her "anglicized" name. Rudy was born in a "closed country in the middle east", but is a Norwegian citizen. She shared with me her parents' "story" of "escaping" their home country many years ago. They made their way to another country nearby, where Presbyterian missionaries shared Jesus with them and they both became followers of Jesus! Later, Rudy too gave her life to Jesus! Eventually, they made their way to Norway where they now live. Rudy is pictured on the far left in the top picture.

Rudy is a medical student who loves Jesus and just "found out" about our group about a month ago. She has one more year here at the medical university and is thrilled to have a fellowship in English where she can grow and serve! We are thrilled to have her join our little community!

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