Mary Jill and Arden doing the "clap" they were doing at Trinity Chapel on the internet!
Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Sara, Erik, Mary Jill, Tibor and Kati at Pastor Ed and Sibyl's flat after church.
Arden, Keri, Joanna, Laura and Lea, at the hospital!
Laci, Lea and Keri Nemeth as they wait for the newest little one to arrive!
Great 2007 and looking forward to an even more blessed 2008!
Aunt Agi, little Bori, and Gergely, with mom Bori hiding!
My wonderful friend and Hungarian teacher, Kati!
Melinda, Kati, Mari, Krisztina and Gabi.
Jim, Tanya, Jennifer, Sara, Erik and response to "everyone look here and say "hi"!"
Marlow giving Erik a prophetic word.
This says: "Happy Christmas" and is on the front of the City Hall building here in Szeged!!!
These are the lights going down Karasz utca, our "walking street" downtown. You can just see the lights on the big Christmas tree in the middle of the square on the far right of the picture in the distance!