Sunday, December 04, 2005

I heard a shriek!

I was checking email this morning when suddenly, I heard the unmistakeable shriek of a cat! So of course I leapt from my chair and dashed outside to find out what minor tragedy had befallen one of my two cats. My neighbor was taking her garbage to the cans outside and as she was going out the door, Toby, my wild, adventuresome boy, tried to get out the door and into the yard, where he is not allowed to go. Kati pulled the door shut just as Toby was slipping his paw under the door to pry it open....thus the painful shriek of a paw caught in a closing door. I began to think about how often the Lord has to close our "paws" in doors and how painful those times can be. Yet the Lord knows it is for our own good; it's His loving way of setting boundaries. Toby came sauntering up the stairs and through the door toward me, not limping, but visibly disappointed that he had not made his escape. He looked with skepticism at Kati when she came to check on his paw, but all was quickly forgiven, and he is fine. Would that we would see that all that God does for us is for His ultimate glory and for our good.....

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