Monday, October 24, 2005

how simple.

Last week, I got to talk to a little boy at the children's home. Well, you might not call age 12 little, but he is the youngest boy in the home now. Robi has big, brown eyes, crying out for love and attention, but at the same time, running for his life, afraid to let anyone too close, cuz he might get hurt again. He's quite an artist, drawing trains and trolleys with exact specifications, and has dreams of possibly driving a train or a trolley. As we talked, the conversation turned to faith, and I asked him straight up: "Robi, do you know what Jesus wants?" He looked at me with his wide brown eyes and said, "What?" "He wants to have a personal relationship with every person on the earth, including you. He wants to come into your heart and live there forever, and then you will never be alone again." Robi's eyes just stared at me, and then they turned downward as he said, "When I go to bed at night, the demons are all around me." I told him that if he calls on Jesus, the demons have to leave. As I drove home that afternoon, I thought about how complicated we can make the Gospel sometimes, when in reality, what the Bible says is that being a believer is all about having a relationship with Jesus Himself. I pray Robi comes into that relationship so he too can go to bed knowing there is One who will never leave nor forsake him, ever!

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