Saturday, February 19, 2005

"Can I come to church?"

ceo for the kids
I went to a "Farsang" celebration at the children's home this past Monday. It's their version of "Mardi Gras", and some of the kids in the home were doing performances in front of a small audience. At the end, one of the young men in the home, Csaba, whom I really don't know very well, approached me and asked if he could talk to me. I said, "Sure," and we walked to the side of the room to talk. "Could I come to church on Sunday?" he asked. I stood there, taken aback, a bit surprised, but wonderfully elated. "Of course you can come!" I've probably talked to this boy 4 times total, for about a total of 5 minutes. As we chatted about the time, and where to meet before the service, the Lord began to impress upon my heart a lesson that I think I will be learning my whole life, slowly. HE is the one doing the work. HE is what life is all about. He is working in people's hearts, drawing them to Himself. We are called to be His children, to love Him, to obey what He's called us to be and do, and He will do what HE wants to do. We receive the blessings in "little" situations like this one.

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