Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Christmas pix
Friday, December 30, 2011
What a year!

I'm sure most people on the planet are taking time this week to reflect on the past Roman calendar year we call 2011. I am no different as I believe pausing to consider all of the major events (and some of the minor ones) which have unfolded over the course of the past year is not only fun, but also very important as I enter 2012.
2011 is now going to go down in history as "The year of travel" for me, and for Paul too!
Without a doubt 2011 has been THE BIGGEST year of change for me in my life thus far! Prior to 2011, I spent 47 years walking the planet as a single woman, and then bam, May 1, 2011, I committed my life to the man God chose for me (and of course I too chose :-)), Paul Czaszewicz. It took a bit of time to learn to spell my new last name, but being married has been one of the greatest gifts the Lord has given to me and to Paul in the last year! Indeed, there have been challenges---there is No such thing as a marriage without challenges---but the refining is well-worth the beauty of life-long companionship for the second half of both of our lives! I never thought I could meet someone who loves Jesus more than I do and desires a life lived for His glory on this earth who was still single! I praise God for the gift of Paul and we both look forward to what He will unfold for us as a couple in 2012!
Coupled with getting married was the wedding itself where family and friends from near and far gathered in Kansas City to help us celebrate! I am so very grateful to all who made the long journey and incurred the tremendous expense to come and be with us on our special day! I only wish I had more time with each person!
Back-tracking to earlier in the year, trauma and loss hit the Campbell household as my beloved cat of 12 years, Toby, suffered a severe seizure and died in my arms very suddenly and without warning. I shed many tears over that loss as he brought much joy, laughter and companionship to me both Stateside and in Hungary. His buddy, Simon, also now 13 years old, was quite confused for a few months, but has taken up his role as the sole cat-king-of-the-house rather well. Thankfully, Paul and Simon have now bonded too!
I was blessed to travel with a team of friends in March to Texas where we ministered in a church to a group of women (and a few men too). I realized on that trip that teaching is still a passion of mine (although the classroom setting is not yet back on my radar screen) and so I continue to ask the Lord what that looks like!
Also in March, I self-published my second book, The Senders, through Create-space at If you would like a copy, you can order it here
or simply contact me personally. This book is a compilation of stories from those who SEND people to the nations as missionaries through their prayers and finances. It's great to hear the stories of those BEHIND those who are sent! I am praying that the Lord breathes His breath of life on both The Senders and Walking Forward-Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness and they get into the hands of every person on the planet who needs them!
Throughout the year, I served on a team of folks who do Theophostic Prayer Ministry and experienced the power of God as He broke into people's hearts and spoke His truths to their aching hearts. I love this prayer ministry!
Another huge milestone in 2011 was traveling with my new hubby to Croatia and Hungary in July, where Paul found his relatives in a tiny village near the Slovenian border, and many of my Hungarian friends were able to meet and get to know (a little bit) my betrothed. This was such an important trip for both of us as we learned a lot about the other---take an overseas journey with someone and you will find out how compatible you really are---and discovered that we are a great team! Plus, because Hungary is such a huge part of my life, it was very important for me that Paul meet and get to know these people and this culture as both will always be deeply in my heart!
A quick stop in VA for a dear friend and fellow missionary's wedding allowed us to meet a few of my precious friends in that neck of the woods as well! Just two weeks later, Paul and I drove to Chicago, his hometown, where we enjoyed yet another celebration with his friends and family who could not make it to the wedding!
August found me embarking on my writing coaching job as well as beginning to build a second business called Shelf Reliance and Thrive Foods. The latter is an exciting adventure in that I am helping others with the very important task of healthy eating and preparedness. (If any of you are curious to know more, check out my website here.
August also saw Paul entering 4 months of intensive student-teaching...5th graders and 1st graders...and a season of quite a bit of stress for both of us! By God's grace, we both survived, and Paul is now a Master's diploma carrying certified elementary school teacher! The job hunt has begun, and we are believing the Lord for His perfect provision for him (and us) in 2012!
We were blessed to be able to travel to Arizona for Thanksgiving to spend a few days with my parents! What a special time for just the four of us to hang out and enjoy the beautiful AZ weather in November...and a lot of turkey and fixins!
December is simply a blur....somewhere in there, Paul defended his portfolio, earning 100%, we enjoyed an evening at the new concert hall here in Kansas City experiencing Handel's Messiah, we traveled to Ft. Meyer's, FL for some R&R in Paul's sister's condo and on the beach, and then spent Christmas with Paul's family in Chicago! Whew!
So, here I sit, gazing out my back door at the bare trees in our neighborhood, content in ways I never thought possible, full of the peace of the Lord, and quietly anticipating a year ahead filled with even more God-centered adventures that will be full of life for us and for others! His plans for us are great and full of prosperity according to Jeremiah 29:11, and we embrace Him, thanking Him for all the rich blessings of 2011 and trusting Him for all he will unfold for us in 2012!
We are so thankful for all the ways you have loved us in this past year, and our desire is that God bless you in abundance to overflowing in 2012!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas in Chicago
Well, Christmas has come and gone, and Paul and I enjoyed time in Chicago with his family, eating, relaxing, playing Wii (we love bowling), laughing and enjoying being together! Our first Christmas as a married couple was pretty wonderful as we enjoyed a stroll in downtown Chicago and purchased our first nativity set, a hand-carved olive wood set from Israel at the Christmas market in Daley Plaza.
Since there really are 12 days of Christmas, we are continuing to enjoy our tree and decorations until the 6th of January, while we also work our way into a regular routine now that Paul has finished school and begins looking for work! We ask God for His favor on that job hunt!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Ahhhh, Florida!
Sadly, in just 1.5 hours, we will head for the airport after a wonderful week here in Florida! Veg-city is the theme for our time here...lots of R&R! Now, from 81 degrees to 25 degrees in Chicago!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
This morning, we awakened to a flock of bluebirds in our backyard and one cardinal amongst them. Very interesting. According to one prophetic resource, the bluebird symbolizes joy in the spirit and contentment. How appropriate for this season!
Monday, December 05, 2011
I needed this today!
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Paul is finished with his oral defense!!!! Hallelujah!
Paul, heading in for his oral defense!
We are REJOICING today for Paul (and for me) at his completion of his portfolio oral defense for his Masters in Elementary Education! At this writing, he is finishing a short paper, the very last thing he must do to complete this diploma!
The journey is nearly complete, and I am so very proud of my husband! The spiritual battle this fall has been intense, with the enemy trying to come in and bring doubt and discouragement, but with the prayer cover of many of you in the body of Christ, and Paul leaning hard into Jesus through it all, HE DID IT!!! My heart is swelling with pride and joy for him!
Not only did he finish, but he received a 100% on his portfolio and his oral defense! Let me boast just a little bit more on his behalf, since he will never do so himself: he never received anything less than As throughout his Masters program.
We are celebrating tonight, going out to dinner and then to see Handel's Messiah at the Kaufmann Performing Arts Center here in Kansas City! Can't wait for the Hallelujah chorus! :-)
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